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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Heard Alan Dershowitz this morning taking about this issue. He said, Congress is like children playing with matches WRT the budget funding and shutting down the government. He said, enough. Take it away from the children. Make a Constitutional amendment to take away their power to be petulant azzholes and shut down the government. His position was that if the Congress can't agree on a budget by a date certain, then the budget automatically carries forward at the previous year's levels. (Of course a percentage increase could be included.) That way the government gets funded, and no shutdown can occur. Then, if and when they want to get serious, they could make amendments to the budget. He's about the most level-headed Democrat I've heard since Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
  2. If you like your DACA you can keep your DACA. Period.
  3. Won’t it be great when MSNBC/MSLSD gives it its own show after its failed Senate campaign. It should become the new face of the Democrat party. They deserve it. Bigly.
  4. Not here. I’ll stipulate global warming. Ok. Now what are we to do about it? Is it all due to human contributions? Why do volcanic eruptions cause massive global cooling? 20,000 years ago - which is a blink in geological time - you would be standing about 10,000 feet above where you currently are because of the two mile thick glacier that covered much of North America. What caused it to melt - Neanderthal campfires? We know they ate rabbits. But that’s a lot of campfires. Maybe it was careless Stone Age homeless people who didn’t put out their campfires correctly and set the forests on fire. Oh, but wait. There were no forests around. They were buried under 10,000 feet of ice. I’m puzzled to explain it in terms that reliably puts the blame on humans. Let’s look at THAT long term bigger picture and settle that first. Then perhaps we can have a better perspective on the current situation.
  5. To me it sounds like all of the IC’s findings WRT the Trump investigation should be thrown out on grounds it’s all based on “illegal search and seizure“.
  6. To be fair, it could involve another type of corruption. Although it's not a government entity, there could be an investigation of bribery and kickbacks regarding the sale of the servers and IT contracts surrounding same. I know of one other case of this happening right now albeit it is in NJ and does involve a government entity. The FBI is all over that one. It's totally unrelated to any government issues except the investigation of kickbacks and bribes. i.e., it's strictly a money thing - not political. Though I do savor the though of the Newsweek brass shitting themselves tonight. Gonna be a lot of alcohol consumed over the weekend. That, and a lot of lawyers giving advice.
  7. Well if you're a Republican Senator from Idaho and tapping your foot in a men's room stall at the Minneapolis St. Paul airport - you are NOT allowed to tap!
  8. This kerfuffle over DACA is just a smokescreen. The Dems are desperate to change the subject from the Russia-Russia-Russia imbroglio **** pie that they created and that they're now sitting squarely in and are up to their neck in filth. Greedy, greedy, greedy. Dems are greedy for money and power... our money and absolute power. !@#$ them. They're going to get what they deserve.
  9. Nancy Pelosi previously lavished praise on former President Barack Obama’s $40 payroll tax cut, "but now dismisses the $1,000 bonuses doled out by corporate America as a result of the recently signed GOP tax overhaul. The wealthy California lawmaker called legislation extending a $40 payroll tax cut in 2011 a “victory for all Americans” and attributed the accomplishment to “Obama’s leadership.” “160 million Americans will continue to receive their payroll tax cut — nearly $40 per paycheck in the pockets of the average family. I salute the work of the unified House Democratic caucus on behalf of the American people,” Pelosi said of the tax cut in 2011" So, $2,400 per family and 2 million people getting at least $1,000 in Trump bonuses is "crumbs". And she doesn't have the guts to call doggy-doo "****" in public. And Trump's a bigot for saying shithole in a private meeting. Dick Durbin is truly a Dick and he is an **** to boot.
  10. One of my favorites... and the bullet we dodged: I believe so. Trailer Park Trash with advanced Ivy League degrees.
  11. It's funny in a way. I always thought the departing Clinton White House staff were the ultimate in petty for removing all of the "W" keys from the White House computer keyboards as they were leaving. B. O. seems to have thrown M80s into all of the toilet bowls as they were tip-toeing out of there. What's being revealed is beyond the pale.
  12. Much as I hate to quote you out of respect for others who have you under an invisibility cloak... Any organization can be corrupted without anyone loving Russians. And the DNC, HRC's Campaign Committee, elements of The FBI, CIA, NSA were all corrupted by your beloved Obama and his DOJ, all for the hate of Trump and their love of Hillary. Add the Never Trumpers into that mix of despicable droogs that were corrupted.
  13. She packed my bags last night pre-flight Zero hour nine AM And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then I miss the earth so much I miss my wife It's lonely out in space On such a timeless flight And I think it's gonna be a long long time 'Till touch down brings me round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh no no no I'm a rocket man Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids In fact it's cold as hell And there's no one there to raise them if you did And all this science I don't understand It's just my job five days a week And I think it's gonna be a long long time 'Till touch down brings me round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh no no no I'm a rocket man Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone And I think it's gonna be a long long time...
  14. I'm excited to see what Obama's epitaph will be someday soon too!
  15. Why DID Eric and former US Ambassador to the UN and Clinton Energy Secretary Bill Richardson go to RNK? Scant info on their excursion behind the rusted curtain, other than his darling daughter dear's musings on being in The Truman Show. (Strange coincidence that name, n'est-ce pas?) Intarwebs subterfuge with Goo-Goo-li II Nuke-nuke material evidence Present to Rocket Man of Advanced Guidance Controls Kiddie smuggling Asking for a friend.
  16. Dumbocrats should be wary of shutting down the gubment. Their slaves will see that their masters don't care about them, and that they don't really need them.
  17. !@#$ DACA. It doesn’t expire until March. Fund the military and the government. Azzholes.
  18. Toto has begun tugging at the corner of that curtain Tibs. It’s going to be full Open Komono very soon.
  19. Could be the new National Anthem once Trump and Pence and Ryan are all impeached and Hillary is appointed President for Life.
  20. Seriously, a gig at the UN has to be THE best perk of all time if you’re from one of those shithole countries we’ve heard so much about in the news recently.
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