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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. We had to put down our 12 year old Bernese Mountain Dog a long time ago. It was terribly difficult. I cried for a few days. He's the only pet we've ever had. My condolences and man-hug for your grief. Sure. My mother-in-law had two cats. One disappeared for a couple of months. The cleaning lady found it under one of the twin beds in her guest bedroom... It was flat. Like a slipper flat. M-i-L was about 85 at the time.
  2. Not funny Eric. That **** could have killed three people. I'd sue for whatever he's worth.
  3. If I ever get A Round Tu-it, I'll edit the pics we took that day and post them here someplace. It was like going to Disneyland for adults. You'll be amazed and delighted if you go. And I won't offer suggestions on the menu. Though I did have the rack of lamb and my wife had the tenderloin. Seriously memorable evening.
  4. This makes Aaron Burr’s insurrection look like child’s play.
  5. Or we would have heard about it a lot more and a lot sooner than just now. Why the SJWs would have marched in protest at Cape Canaveral years ago to make us ignorant bastages aware of the great injustices being perpetrated on the victims.
  6. So they’re out of chances to fix anything else... forever? So did a lot of his female interns. He used to expose himself regularly.
  7. Men can get breast cancer. It’s rare, but it does occur.
  8. 10 Dems needed to stop THEIR filibuster. Dems fail. Schumer Shutdown.
  9. Can we at least find John Kerry hanging from a noose at the end of this?
  10. Anyone remember Sandy Berger? He stole documents from the National Archives and skated.
  11. Probably. They’ll hunker down in their bunker like Pats*** and their fans in denial.
  12. My wife and I had the distinct pleasure of dining in his restaurant outside of Lyon, France in 2015. It was absolutely phenomenal. We did not have the Bresse Chicken - it would have been too much to eat at one sitting. He has a special place in culinary history. He lived above this restaurant and frequently would visit the diners. He was not well when we were there, so we didn't get to meet him. It was an unforgettable evening. RIP Monsieur Paul
  13. And why would they stop at taking just 50% of a company's money? Will they then give that money out to individual taxpayers who have over $10k in SALT? Aren't those rich people if they earn that much that they're paying that much in real estate and income taxes? Oh, I see. They'll just keep the money and do really cool things that will benefit all Kalifornians like the high speed bullet train to nowhere.
  14. Which was a blunder. Newspapers thought they’d drive subscriptions by providing some content online. They should shut down their websites and make people buy the hard copy.
  15. Dems had to pony up at least 10 votes in the Senate in order to keep the government running. The Rebulicans don’t “control” the process.
  16. They have a never-ending lust for other people's money.
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