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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/188165/annual-gdp-growth-of-the-united-states-since-1990/
  2. Not even to the mens room. ESPECIALLY not the mens room.
  3. Early morning fat thumb typing on iPhone. One thing that should be brought out from that press conference is that lo and behold - the media has rediscovered the employment participation rate! (at 1:12 in the video) It took them nearly nine years, but hey - it's back in the news as something that's a negative. Next up - we'll be hearing about all the homeless people in the country and the food stamps are going wanting because they're not being advertised anymore.
  4. So, kingpin behind the KSA kicking ass and taking names throughout the entire Middle East, or just another conniving Jew boy? You make the call. This guy rocks. Glad he’s part of President Trump’s leadership team. I’m going to post this in the Trump Economy thread too.
  5. Gringo, Congress works in real time. You act like you’re binge watching a series on Netfllix. The script is being written as we watch. It takes time.
  6. Too late for another “beer summit“? His pain is returning. Obviously.
  7. Exactly. Almost seems un-American to some. But it’s actually un-Democrat for certain.
  8. You could have at least posted a pic of some penguins.
  9. I really think you’re talking to the wrong guy.
  10. So it WAS The Pats*** cheating once again! How low can they get.
  11. Yes. Please protect us from the truth coming out. It will be terrible if it does. You just have no idea!
  12. Pshaw, pshaw! He never asked him any really hard-hitting questions like... "Mr. President, Are You a Racist?" "Mr. President, did you refer to African nations using the word "s***hole?" Or, some of those asked of his Doctor. "Is he limited to one scoop of ice cream now?" “Are you ruling out things like early-onset Alzheimer’s?” “Are you part of the decision-making process on handing over power to the vice president or whoever?”
  13. Will our crumbs come with a tasty cheese sauce, or a side salad perhaps?
  14. Makes me bring out this old fave. FORWARD!!! Gee... Hoo Wood-a Guest? Chucky reneges on his offer? Flip-flop, Jell-o Man!
  15. #TRUSTTHEPROCESS [/LeftistWithoutAClue] I like Kimberly. She's quite a woman. But I can't help but wonder what she looks like before she gets made-up to go on the air. I was going to say, when she gets out of the shower, but I'm too much of a gentleman to say that in public. No. What's so bizarre is how narcissistic your network is. It actually rivals that of the POTUS, and that's really saying something.
  16. If I could only put her face on his head. Wonder how they got John Kerry to do the monologue.
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