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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Scenario 1. The Iggles win and Philly fans burn the town to the ground starting at Pat's and Gino's. Scenario 2. The Pats*** win on a technicality and millions in the lower 48 states burn their TVs in public bonfires. Scenario 3. What D R said... a false flag distraction. Personally, I'm pulling for Scenario 1.
  2. That's coming after the end of the Super Bowl.
  3. Don't worry Tibs. You can't read the memo, and we're not going to read it for you either.
  4. Color me surprised. It happened in California after all. Don't they know they're a sanctuary state? They let their law enforcement officers take part in that?
  5. Why are you so hard on your West Virginia relatives? They screw your sister? You're from there and show them zero compassion. You should look back on your early years with fondness.
  6. Hillary's Suicide Brigade at work again!
  7. Remember Uncle Joe said, “They gonna put you all back in chains!” https://youtu.be/5gII8D-lzbA
  8. Salacious as it may well be, I highly doubt that Mueller has any interest in, or intent to dig into your tawdry sex life.
  9. We’ll at least we’re here voluntarily and can tell each other to !@#$ off in a one on one setting.
  10. See. Trump was not without qualifications to become POTUS after all.
  11. I tried when I dropped out of Kallage. They wouldn't take me... said they wanted men. Had/have a seriously banged up shoulder and they gave me a pass. Now I've got a brand new shoulder and the government didn't have to pay for it - which was their reason for rejecting this otherwise fine specimen.
  12. Not if he fires the entire Justice Department and appoints his family as replacements!
  13. Common people. Stay OFF topic. Just don't think about Penguins and Tom Petty for the next few minutes and you'll be okay.
  14. Yeah, wack jobs in California. Hood'a thunk? They can't even put that scum to death - after a fair an impartial trial. What a country.
  15. So Student Deferments = Draft Dodging? The Army Doctors giving him 4-F status after his physical = Draft Dodging? High Draft Lottery Number = Draft Dodging? Hoo new. Guess I was a “Draft Doger” too. And Daddy wasn’t a real estate mogul either.
  16. Unfortunately that’s true. Which is why they have to put several of these bad actors behind bars. Otherwise it will boil down to endless finger pointing.
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