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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I want them to go for Jamarcus Russell or Ryan Leaf.
  2. Seriously? I thought I heard that Adam Schifft wanted to help his neighbor Jack, off a horse. But then I heard Adam Schifft wanted to help his neighbor jack off a horse. You be be the judge.
  3. Please try to keep your family member IN your pants, young man. This is a family-friendly site.
  4. Nearly incredible to see that. Never thought they would EVER come to the defense of a Conservative female. Great to see Wolff exposed as the sleazy, dishonest porn peddler that he is.
  5. Too much time there for the Dems to get a stay from the 9th Circuit Court of Injustice. Where IS John Dean when you need one? Release the memo! They're going nuts in Hollywood and DC.
  6. If GG's more right than wrong, I would hope that Trump would not take that deal. Go Open Kimono baby! He'd have his empire built back in no time. He'd be back on Reality TV and would have flushed the swamp down the toilet like it so badly needs.
  7. He went to Jared. Actually, he put his old man in the slammer. Why is it that leakers are held up as virtuous heroes in America? Watergate - Deep Throat Viet Nam War - The Pentagon Papers The list goes on and is long. Now, when we're apparently seeing circumstantial evidence - and those "in the know" have seen prima facie evidence - of what appears to be corruption at the highest levels of the FBI, Justice Departments and the IC of this country we're being kept in the dark by what amounts to a seriously coordinated concerted cover up.
  8. I apologize for that hurtful image. I hope you can clear your mind of it.
  9. Nobody in the US... No Bod Dee pronounces Notre Dame other than how I spelled it. Even the parishioners of Catholic Churches named for her pronounce it wrongly. Bigly wrongly.
  10. And no Supreme winced and wagged its head negatively. Of course Ruth Bader Ginsberg declined to show up, so we don't know what she would have done. Soiled her Depends perhaps? Maybe her full body sized vagina costume wasn't back from the cleaners yet.
  11. Yes. Everyone knows that context is key to understanding things like intent. e.g., without the proper context one might think that Gary Busey is a bat-**** loon.
  12. Because they're selling them, and business is booming among your relatives.
  13. Sounds iffy. But also sounds like there are some millennials working at the FBI who don't know **** from shineola.
  14. Are they still around? Several awesome after bar closing eating binges ended up with a stop off there. Brings back memories. Yum. Absolutely! Yuuuuge and more than a normal person should eat.
  15. Check local small newspapers and social media for ratings. Youre buying - right? Look for the realtor that advertises the most and consistently in your area of interest. Good luck Pooj.
  16. Could be the redneck driver was racing the train to the crossing. That happens. Then again, Hitler might still be alive in Argentina.
  17. Another #NEVERTRUMPER. What did he know and when did he know it? The truck driver is dead, so he won’t be talking.
  18. He’s absolutely right though. This is FAR worse than Watergate. The corruption in the FBI and DOJ is beyond anything that we’ve ever experienced before. It’s even worse than what Lois Lerner did to the Tea Party groups.
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