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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Former US Senate hopeful from NY displays incredible erudition and elocution.
  2. WAC Weston Athletic Club at the Wyvern Christmas Cracker 10K
  3. INdeed. Where do they come up with such novel ideas?
  4. Don't forget that he's going to force the METRIC System on US. THE METRIC SYSTEM!!! Join the #RESISTANCE
  5. Yes. And I for one can't wait till he publishes his tome. It sounds as it should be required reading in every High School civics class... if they even have those anymore. A hat-tip to DR, who's been on this for many, many months and has connected the dots on the voluminous research he and others have done. Kudos, sir! Indeed he is.
  6. I think the FBI comes to his rescue after he tells them he has first hand evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.
  7. He’s tired of being their #4 wideout, obviously.
  8. Hey ****. I don’t stream. Why is that so hard to believe?
  9. Wrong. I don’t watch sports. Only stream movies. So get down off your pedestal homey. Big diff
  10. Not this cowpoke. I’m not a TV watcher of any sport.
  11. Thank you for your service. Can you now focus on the national debt? Asking for a friend.
  12. Can't say I blame him. But something tells me that Doc won't be breathing much longer anyway.
  13. I'm calling BS. Adam Schiff hasn't declassified anything of the sort. [/armsfoldeddoinghrumphhrumphhrumph#resist]
  14. We’ll, Okra told them to kiss off. She wasn’t interested. Maybe they should talk to Puxatawny Phil. He drew quite a crowd this morning - bigger than those at most of Hillary’s campaign events - and they stayed outside for hours in the cold waiting to hear what he had to say. They might have a winner there.
  15. This just in: Potomac Schifft is afraid of his shadow and declares, “6 more weeks of waiting for the memo!”
  16. This. It’s a common error. If you program multiple schedules, it will run all of them. If that’s the case, just remove the time settings in the B and C schedules.
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