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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Cooking Channel Season 7 Episode 1 is on right now.
  2. That could be a good strategy for longevity at least until the Clintons are put into prison.
  3. Now wait... B. O. took credit for creating (or SAVING) about 11 million jobs. Clinton did the most - but just like his wife's huge bulge in California, most of his were connected to the Y2K scare and the federal mandate for businesses to be Y2K compliant. It was full bore to the wall for all companies to get certified and expense be damned. I wonder if the Clintons ever gave Bill Gates money in gratitude for his lack of foresight.
  4. I'd prefer he was in for a harsh ass whipping. He and all his alike-thinking thuggish goons.
  5. Hi irony too. "You can't reveal that we've mugged a political opponent of the Dems. It would endanger our ability to do that again." [/azzholesatDOJ&FBI]
  6. Police need to Collect evidence now don't they.
  7. Warsteiner - a great Pilsner.
  8. If they lose tonight, this is what each of them will be getting when they get back home tonight.
  9. True, but it certainly gained traction after she lost. It was the only - albeit pathetic - excuse they could muster about why she was defeated. She and they could not face the reality that she was the most disliked person in the race, that she was ill, lazy, felt entitled, and basically mailed in her campaign.
  10. I agree completely. If bureaucrats in law enforcement believe they are above reproach when evidence comes to light of their misdeeds, and threaten the President of the United States, they should be held accountable and treated with scorn. They are not shining a light on anything other than their bully tactics which they are well practiced at. It's revolting to see. They are fighting tooth and nail along with their thuggish friends to cover up illegal activities. I hope the release of the memo drives a clamorous din of public outcrying to have the truth come out. Release all the supporting documents. Let's see who's fingers were on the scales of justice at the FISA courts.
  11. Stop obfuscating with facts and details B-Man! [#ResistAndHoldYourBreathTillYouTurnBlueAndFaintDeniers] Here are some other endings to the #Resistance tag that work pretty well in this context. Deniers Fellow Travelers Progressives Haters Derangement Sufferers Truth-Apathetic Facile Partisans Clinton Sycophants
  12. "Thanks to the battle over the memo, we also know with 100 percent certainty that the mainstream media is part of the swamp. The efforts by The New York Times and The Washington Post, among others, to keep the memo from ever seeing sunshine were appalling. Oddly, the campaign by those papers coincided with the celebration of their roles in releasing the Pentagon Papers nearly 50 years ago, as heroically depicted in the movie “The Post.” Then, those papers took great risks in standing up for the First Amendment in the face of government threats and financial pressures. Now, those same papers take the side of butt-covering secrecy and demonize those who demand transparency. Those organizations are betraying their legacies and their duties as journalists. They share with corrupt officials a hatred of Donald Trump and believe that ending his presidency justifies any and all means. Their motives are as partisan as that of the Democrats who fought tooth and nail to scuttle the memo. Talk about being on the wrong side of history."
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