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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Bob, you're ridiculous. A better thing would be to pose that question, rephrased to the DOJ, FBI, Clinton Campaign workers who apparently DID do exactly what your theoretical postulation outlines. They conspired against a political candidate out of partisan desires to take him out. They DID assume their actions would never be uncovered because... "She was never supposed to lose". On the other hand, re-reading your postulation, I wonder if you're conceding the very facts I just mentioned, and think that well, they got caught with their fingers in the cookie jar, so what? What would you guys do if your side did the same thing... cover it up like my side is doing? Disingenuous drivel.
  2. Honda XR 100. Would have been a great Christmas present. Gray Beard beat me by a second. So here's XS as in the XS Club.
  3. Perhaps. I think it might make him more available for the IG and Congressional committees for interrogation. I mean questioning.
  4. Jet pilots have to fly for training hours, the soldiers and sailors who march are on active duty. The labor costs for any event like this is already baked into the budget. Trump wants to let his freak flag fly. Sounds good to me. I remember when they stopped using the military in Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Veterans Day parades. They became shadows of what they used to be. Firemen and fire trucks and Brownies and Cub Scouts just don’t have the gravitas that carbine carrying troops in formation and rows of tanks do. It it should be a splendid show. Let the Left rail and wring their hands and scream at the sky. They can all faint and get covered in confetti and their own tears. My God! The troops will be carrying real guns! Oh, the horror.
  5. Lots of new texts being released today. It appears Strock and Page are implicating 44.
  6. I thought that was very curious also. He also said something to the effect that they were "just doing their jobs" as though breaking the law like that was just business as usual. Very odd. The IG's report can't come down quickly enough for my liking.
  7. Vey interesting... http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/372457-ig-poised-to-reignite-war-over-fbis-clinton-case
  8. That is about the size of it. I'm now looking back on Comey's role as Thomas a Becket when he claimed he felt threatened by President Trump when he told him he wanted "loyalty". Well, Comey was disloyal to his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. I think THAT's what caused him heartburn.
  9. So, let me get this straight. The Dems, DOJ, FBI, and the media fought tooth and nail to not release the Republican memo. The Dems voted unanimously against it's release and the Feds were saying things like, its release would threaten our national security, undermine law enforcement, ya-da-ya-da-ya-da. The Dems were pissed that the Republicans voted against releasing the Schiff memo - which at the time no one on the committee read - not even the Dems! "We have to release the memo in order to know what's IN the memo." Now, after reading it, the full committee voted unanimously to release Nancy Schiff's memo... and not a peep from the FBI or DOJ or the MSM. None of the Republicans are saying its release will compromise anything. A double standard is in play here.
  10. She got fired from her job in the Watergate investigation for being dishonest. She’s a pig.
  11. Congrats Iggles. This is pretty good too. Loser faces.
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