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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Were they shouting that great "progressive" chant - "What do want? We don't know. When do we want it? NOW!"
  2. Just do a google image search on Egyptian Women, and look look what comes up. Not too many “Blackity, black, black, black” women show up.
  3. Does the POTUS **** in the woods? Is the Independent Investor Catholic?
  4. Count me among those who are clamoring for some explanation of why he didn't list ALL of the ethnic/race/culture/religious groups who our fine tradition of American jurisprudence were based on. You know. Trump's man really missed the boat here. Who can forget that we all learned in that great teaching moment when B.O. instructed the head of NASA to make as his NUMBER ONE priority - the promotion of the news (to all perhaps, me certainly) that Muslims had played an enormous role in the development of our space program and science in general, and needed to be lauded for same. Yet, stupid tone-deaf Sessions never mentioned the office of Sherrif's being a critical part of the great Iberian-American, Italian-American, French-American, Egyptian-American, Mexican-American, Cuban-American, Guatemalian-American, Columbian-American, Puerto Rican-American (ok, I'm a wee mite redundant with this one), Canadian-American, Samoan-American (Department of Redundancy Department again), Chinese-American, Japanese-American, Nigerian-American, Iraqi-American, Saudi-American, Israeli-American, Jordanian-American, Algerian-American, Lebanese-American, Syrian-American, Turkish-American, German-American, and why would we leave them out - ISIS-American heritage of law enforcement. I'm certain I've left off many countries, religious, and ethnic groups and I am sorry for that. So, I'll apologize in advance and step back from my keyboard and take my excoriations and suffer being pilloried for those grievous shortcomings.
  5. Trump's image will be on the 69¢ coin and the $137 bill. It'll drive the libs nuts.
  6. I think I'm beginning to see the wisdom of the promised worker's paradise!
  7. I didn't say "just". You put me on "ignore" in your pot-promoting thread after I used the Westside gambit you deployed above. I infuriated you by telling you when Trump got into office the Republicans were going to make gun ownership mandatory and people would have a tax penalty if they didn't comply with the new law. The same kind of political gamesmanship thing that B O and his minions did when they had power and rammed the ACA down our throats. Most of the regulars here have been around a lot longer on this board and it's predecessors than 2001.
  8. And pray tell, Alf how would the working class be targeted by Bernie? Pay people not to work? How much? Would $50k a year enough? Augment their salaries if they do work so everyone gets $100k a year? Eliminate Federal taxes for those earning less than - you name the amount $100k a year, $200k for married couples filing jointly? Or do you think it should be higher? What rate of taxation on the super wealthy will pay for that? 75% like it is in France? You want to raise corporate taxes to what 50% or higher... 60%, 70%, 80%? What if the government seizes everyones 401k and IRA money? They could simply issue Government bonds with a guaranteed return of 2 or 3%. Would that make you happy? Maybe Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, Walmart and others should be nationalized. Would that be the answer? Or should the government just confiscate their profits above what's a "fair" amount for them to keep? What would that be - 5%, 6%, 8%? That's WAY more than government bonds pay. Tell us - how do you see America becoming the Worker's Paradise that the "progressives" are so desperately seeking? And while you're at it, can you update us on the criminal investigation that his wife is undergoing now for the fraud she perpetrated at the college in NH that she was the president of? I haven't been keeping track of that for awhile.
  9. When we were in China, I saw lots of these in various market places: Didn't buy any. I have enough dirty shirts.
  10. You think Trump will attack them at or just after the closing ceremonies of the Olympics?
  11. True. But you show up here on your high horse (pun intended) to lecture us and spew your brand of nonsense that is rarely if ever backed up by facts. Much of the “abuse” you and other droogs get is a parroting back to you of your own arguments - much like you did to Westside. But you have always missed the irony of our sarcasm. Logic and real facts are valued here. Feelings and emotionally-spawned beliefs... not so much.
  12. Apparently that’s quite enough to make him close his eyes and cover his ears.
  13. To be fair, the “Left” in most of the world means Socalist, and there is no viable “Socalist” party in America... However, the Dems are devolving into the Socialist mainstream, so hope springs eternal in Communist countries that the US might someday devolve into a workers paradise like Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, and China are.
  14. This is the kind of **** that spies do. People have no problem with suspending their disbelief when reading a spy novel or watching a show like House of Cards or a movie like The Unforgiven, or the Jason Bourne series, but are in denial that the things that entertain them in those vehicles are very possible in real life. Double crossings, murder, dirty cops, dirty politics and politicians, payoffs, subterfuge, blackmail and the like are highly entertaining “stories”. But it does happen in real life too folks. We’re witnessing it right now.
  15. We’ll Alf, did you want a deal, or would you rather have had another government shutdown? The Republicans didn’t have enough votes to do the best thing, so they reached across the aisle and had to bargain with the Dems. You think the Dems are now the party of fiscal restraint?
  16. That was the Campaign. Try again. What title did he have in the ADMINISTRATION?
  17. What title did he hold in the administration?
  18. Verum quid sentias! Probably something Berkeley Professor George Lakoff would utter as gospel.
  19. It's cyclical. Like all the grammar school "fans" the Cowboys acquired back in the 70s and 80s. They were young and impressionable and only wanted to be fans of a winning team. There's no other way to account for it. I live on Cape Cod now, and the silence is deafening. I love it. Got my hair cut on Tuesday. The place was full. The barber said, "No one wants to talk about the Pats*** today." PS Saw some highlights of the game and loved the video.
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