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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Wonder what the final “legal” vote counts will be.
  2. So you missed the 23 hours of testimony before Congress about that very meeting that he underwent and the fact that nothing came of that? I would think that the Schifft would have hit the fan with anything he could smear a Trump with if there were anything to Jr.‘s “collusion” with the Rooskies.
  3. Sure. EVERYTHING would be different if Hillary won, now wouldn't it? You really can't see the forest for the trees.
  4. I think at least half of Fox News viewership is comprised of Progs and Lefties. I'm certain that 80% of Hannity's is.
  5. Yes, we do. It's the DNC and they've trashed the integrity of the DOJ and the FBI.
  6. and this too: And B.O. and Hillary were great uniters?
  7. It could be. But I doubt anyone here other than folks who think like you do give him much credence most of the time. I think of him as though he’s probably EII’s drunk Canadian cousin. Gotta run now and go collect my monthly $6,000 check from Sergi. Don’t know why he does it, but he said if i’d Vote for Trump he’d pay me $6k a month for the duration of his first term. How much did Hillary’s camp pay you?
  8. You’ve done a great job of researching behind-the-scenes and bringing salient information to light. I think you speak for most of us that aren’t afflicted with terminal TDS that whichever way the sword and scale of justice swings, were most interested in bring the truth to light of day. And there is a lot of merde that’s about to hit the ventilateur.
  9. The disappointment on the Left at the DOJ’s announcement today is palpable... and laughable.
  10. Maybe Mueller worked in concert with Flynn WRT his plea to a crime which wasn’t a crime. This gives Flynn an out to walk after revealing all he knows about 44’s dirty DOJ, Clapper, and Brennan.
  11. With that mouth you kiss your mother? When is that supposed to happen exactly? We’ve been waiting for months now. Does he have to fire Tillerson first? Or Sessions perhaps. It’s so hard to keep up with his firings, there have been so many.
  12. They already had Hillary in their pocket. So they tried to get Trump and the Bern there too. Covering the bases is good strateegerree.
  13. Very true. Santa Claus is a tough opponent to run against.
  14. People have not problem believing the premise of this show. But many people have a problem believing that this has actually happened and is happening now. Corruption on both sides. Sunshine! Let the sun shine in!
  15. You should be delighted. Nearly two years of investigations into Russian collusion in the US Presidential election of 2016 and here ya go... 13 splendid indictments if individuals and 3 Rooskie companies! Sunshine - it's the best antiseptic. Or is this a "nothing burger"? What about GG's posts above - that they helped Bernie to come from nowhere to challenge and nearly upset Hilarity. Bernie seems much more like their kind of guy than anyone else in that particular race. His was a nearly perfect Cinderella story.
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