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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. We know all that Alf... we've been paying attention. So, you're suggesting a complete revocation of the cloture rule in the Senate? You do realize that it should be named "The Reid" option. Harry Reid changed the rule - at the time - for cloture to be eliminated ONLY for Executive Branch nominations and Federal Judicial appointments. McConnell invoked that ONLY for the Supreme Court nomination of Gorsuch. Rules is rules, Alf. Exactly. Because what you end up with on our end are RINOs like Kasich and McCain... and Graham. Professional campaigners trying to stay in power and swaying in the winds with vagary.
  2. https://www.senate.gov/general/Features/votes.htm An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the senators duly chosen and sworn is typically required to invoke cloture. To invoke cloture on a change in Senate rules, a two-thirds vote is required. The Republicans don't have 60 votes - yet alone 60 seats in the Senate. The Dems did have that "Super Majority" when they rammed through the ACA. So no. The Republicans don't "control the Senate" anymore than I control the PPP board. Capisci?
  3. BiM, You and your friends should read Koko78’s post two up from yours. People get mocked here when they deserve it. Most uninformed posters get their asses handed to them quickly. Then they quickly resort to ad-hominem attacks and salacious insults as though that’s a defensefor their ass-hattery. It gets old for those on the other side of these social issues too, because an honest discussion rarely happens. Most of the “new” posters are woefully inept at putting forth a cogent idea in a coherent manner.
  4. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/966854507744374784.html Maybe, just maybe the School Board and the Cops - including the FBI are complicit in allowing this to happen. Go to the other thread, people. Good find Greggy! edit: had trouble pasting the direct linky thingy. It's in the Deep State thread folks.
  5. Give us da money. No crimes, mo money. Simple. The !@#$ers.
  6. That just might be the way it rolls. He's looking pretty bad... on a number of levels.
  7. Hard to believe he could be that stupid. Virtually every transaction would trip the money laundering laws.
  8. You sir, are obviously deranged, a misogynist, homophobe, Communist sympathizing anarchist, anti-religious bigot who has a foot fetish, and eats raw snails for breakfast. Its so obvious from what you’ve posted. Turn in your man card and your log-in credentials to the Internet. It’s too dangerous a place for you and you might do some innocent people harm... like your mommy and little sister.
  9. Probably shouldn’t have laughed. It’s a serious problem and NYS is deaf, dumb, and blind to handling it.
  10. Anyone want to tackle the feral pig problem we have in this country with a B.B. gun? Maybe the school crossing guards can protect us from them.
  11. WCHN. It’s not exclusively Chinese construction related. They’re in a bit of a slump right now too. But Caterpillar inked a major contract with them during Trump’s visit.
  12. They should have used a photo from China. I've never in my life seen more building cranes than I did in China. They joke that the national bird of China is the Building Crane. They built that last one - a 57 story skyscraper in a "new city" in 19 days. We couldn't get the EPA impact study done in less than 19 months.
  13. Gee. Thanks for starting a whole new thread on this topic, and for offering your objective opinion on the subject.
  14. Looks like the only real news is they increased the reward money by a half million + dollars. Any idea on what the fraud case was about? Who was it on pg. 37 who told Stansfield Turner to tone down his butt-hurt response?
  15. They’re her parents, right? You sure they’re not her cousins or second cousins?
  16. Pbbbbbbbbbbbbb Pbbbbbbbbbbbbb Pbbbbbbbbbbbbb
  17. Obviously the rage and outrage will only continue to mount as we learn several years from now from the spouses of former Tops workers who not only lost their jobs when Tops let them go, but a decade later died from cancer because they didn’t have healthcare insurance. But we will have to ignore the fact that they didn’t have gainful employment in the several years after their being tossed in the fungible pile of life, and have to stay focused on the well established fact that Tops owed their employees a job for life...with full benefits.
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