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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Very true. But you have to at least give a chuckle to see their example of identity politics being leveraged against a leftist cause. Doubtful it it would hold up in court if it ever gets that far.
  2. Agreed. After a relatively short amount of time that becomes quite apparent. At a certain point people have to recognize that they’re not worth getting into a dialogue with. The shutdown of the BBMB did us no favors.
  3. Chuck’s playing hardball. Wish Sessions had game.
  4. That’s got to gain traction in the media. It’s a major contributing factor in this tragedy. You should post this in all the gun threads, Greg.
  5. Prolly as good a place as any to post this. Transgender wrestler wins state championship for 2nd time and is booed.
  6. That’s right. And she’s totally qualified to impose gun legislation on America.
  7. Well, I for one hope we can find a palatable solution. Kids should be safe in schools. Worshipers should be safe in their houses of worship. Shoppers should be safe in our shopping malls. Spectators should be safe at their sporting venues. I lived in NJ for almost 25 years. I had a FID and bought firearms. NJ has just about the most strict gun control laws in the nation. I don't have a problem with how they handled things. Although some jurisdictions really dragged their feet on issuing FIDs. However, getting a concealed carry permit is next to impossible there. One other idiotic (to me) twist is that air cartridge pellet pistols and BB guns are considered a "Firearm". That's beyond the pale IMO.
  8. Nonsense Doc. What we need are more politicians with the guts to stand up to the gun lobby. Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette has been the lead sponsor on a federal ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines in two Congresses, saying it’s one of her top priorities. Asked how a ban on magazines holding more than 15 rounds would be effective in reducing gun violence, DeGette said: “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those know they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.” That's genius, I tell ya'. Pure genius.
  9. No. Not fired, just not endorsed by her own party. She's 85 years old. She would be 91 by the time she serves her next (6th) term. Forward!
  10. Yep. The Dad's in a very sad space right now. But to his credit - he wants a solution. I do not begrudge him that. All the innocent slain school children deserved better. What I want to see is some investigative reporting behind how the School Board and the Police created a culture of "no crime" in their schools all so they could get more federal money for themselves. That is horribly corrupt - if it did indeed happen. So far, no one in the MSM is sniffing down that trail as far as I know.
  11. Just saw the #2 Dem (Jim Himes?) on the House Intel Committee interviewed by Mike Wallace. He said the evidence of collusion was Jr.'s meeting in the Tower - even though nothing happened in that 20 minute meeting. He sounded just like Tibs. "They met with Russians to get dirt on Hillary!" Collusion! He went on to ask Chris Wallace rhetorically if he thought that met Wallace's standard of "collusion." Wallace interrupted him pointedly and said, "No, frankly it does not."
  12. And why, pray tell, if the farging Holy and sacrosanct FBI secured a God Damned FISA Level 1 warrant against the “foreign agent - AKA “Russian SPY” Carter Page, why in the hell is he still walking about and a free man? Answer me that, Batman. If he’s a “spy” like their sham FISA warrant says he is, why haven’t they arrested him, indicted him, and brought him to trial? He’s a danger to the country FBI, by your own sworn testimony. What’s holding you up?? Malfeasance? Incompetence? Collusion? Trump’s “obstruction”? Or is it just that the foundation that you’ve built to collide against a duly elected POTUS is nothing more than a steaming pile of goat custards?
  13. Truly progressive... Pie in the sky ideas, stoking feelings of injustice and victimization, all the while accomplishing nothing, and yearning for a fix to be put in.
  14. I think it's more like 10 of the eleven FISA judges were put there by B. O. W. left office in 2009. Trump took office in January, 2017.
  15. a reasonable Republican appointed FISA court judge You know which judge approved it? I haven't heard the name revealed. DOJ in fact informed the Court accurately that Steele was hired by politically-motivated US persons and entities and that his research appeared intended for use 'to discredit' Trump's campaign." John McCain? Ted Cruz? Marco Rubio? The "Never Trumpers"? George Soros? Tony Podesta? The NFT?
  16. Yes. Rosie’s campaign against K-Mart that got them to stop selling guns and ammo was a rousing success... for Walmart. Libs
  17. Good morning, Alf. Many of us are (sadly) not surprised at all. Theyre in #RESIST modenand think this will be a key lever for them in the midterms. i.e., it’s purely political. They refuse to give Trump ANY credit. crumbs.
  18. What have the Dems offered to “compromise “ on? Trump raised the number of Daca babies by a million. The Dems response... :F-U: smiley
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