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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You two are so beholding to Richard Nixon for creating the EPA then, aren't you.
  2. Even the Pepsi Generation wasn't this impatient.
  3. Or the "Constitutional right to lie". Actually had an idiot classmate once say that out loud.
  4. There's only one Crow in the NFL worth mentioning. John David.
  5. No wonder Trump just announced a 25% tariff on Steele. He should get 25 years in Leavenworth.
  6. Some good humor from 45 at the Gridiron Dinner. "I won't rule out direct talks with Kim Jong Un, I just won't. As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that’s his problem not mine," Trump said. “I offered him a ride over and he recused himself,” Trump said, regarding Jeff Sessions, according to a White House press pool report. Trump compared being president to hosting "The Apprentice" "In one job I had to manage a cutthroat cast of characters, desperate for TV time, totally unprepared for their roles and their jobs and each week afraid of having their asses fired, and the other job I was the host of a smash television hit," Trump reportedly joked. Troll on, oh Head of State!
  7. Nah. He just burns off calories by the ton schlepping his FIL’s bags of money, gold, and jewels all over the globe. It’s hard work, but the pay is good. And, the fringe benefits... priceless.
  8. And all the Lefties should be all for taxing them to the max - just like any other jet fuel purchaser in the state. No preferential treatment to the Republican’s “buddies in Big Business “. #thinofthelittleguy Nancy Pelosi should send the legislators a present. A case of Starkist tuna perhaps?
  9. You’re all missing the point. “All” the pundits were grousing and bitching for months that the markets were over inflated and way over due for a correction. It just wasn’t happening by itself, so he stepped in and make it correct itself. MAGA
  10. Talk about typos! I thought I wrote Vince McMahon. Though, to be fair, Jim was a pretty good self-promoter as well.
  11. And don't forget the Blow Jobs by Madonna. That was worth a lot of votes. Yeah, Pearl, we heard all about Trump's ulterior motive / backup plan to create a new media channel a-la OWN - the Okra channel. But that's all that was - a backup plan. He's toyed with the concept of running for President since he first published "The Art of the Deal," if not longer. He's always been ambitious, and he's been exhaulted in the media -- Ante his transformation to a Republican. He knows how to promote himself and his brand. He's the Jim McMahon of politicians, and I mean that in every sense.
  12. Fear no more! The streets of Buffalo are safe once more. A significant number of assault weapons were taken in by the authorities in a massive program.
  13. The NRA does more to support gun safety than any other group in the country.
  14. So, you're placing me under arrest for the future firings of Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, and Robert Mueller?
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