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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. There's always something going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, now isn't there.
  2. Way to obfuscate with details and facts, DR. FWIW, if and when they get around to indicting that worthless POS Tony Podesta, I'll wager that he'll off himself before it gets to a trial.
  3. Larry Kudlow is going to interview for Gary Cohn's job as Director of the National Economic Council and advisor to POTUS.
  4. Like snafu said above, I think it's tied to the North Korea talks. Pompeo was fully behind POTUS. Tillerson was on a trip to Africa when it all went down.
  5. New tweet! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-ousts-tillerson-will-replace-him-as-secretary-of-state-with-cia-chief-pompeo/2018/03/13/30f34eea-26ba-11e8-b79d-f3d931db7f68_story.html?utm_term=.71f51d7e8026
  6. Yes. Hold your laughter until we find out how many were killed.
  7. A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Hey!" The horse says, "Sure."
  8. NYC used to have a commuter tax. It was abolished in 1999. But now they have a Mobility Tax - that goes to the MTA. It's .34% of payroll that companies and self employed have to pay. Philadelphia still has a commuter tax - of about 3.5%.
  9. Trump met and had dinner with that Communist leader... COLLUSION!!!
  10. He’s going to end the Korean War. He’s amazing.
  11. I'll see you Admiral and raise you a Bridgette.
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