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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Schiff on the job... Schiff relaxing at home...
  2. Too bad that the Free Agency period is over now, and The Draft has been cancelled too. No hope in sight.
  3. Butt hurt he didn’t interview you for the job?
  4. Why haven't we heard any of this prior to 4:00 PM today? No leaks coming from OBD these days.
  5. Yes. Yes, of course. Because he hates Trump. Can't stand the guy. POTUS is a fool who isn't capable of understanding the complexities of dealing with large complex issues.
  6. Not certain about that. Boston has some awesome medical centers as does NYC. Pediatric kidney cancer is certainly no joke. Best wishes to the little tyke and his family.
  7. Bet Sessions doesn't do it. He should. But I bet he won't. If he doesn't Trump might tell Jeff... "You're fired!" JMO
  8. Trump will name Kudlow to replace Cohn. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/14/trump-to-name-larry-kudlow-as-gary-cohn-replacement.html Interesting pick. He's very much a free trader kind of guy. He was in the Reagan White House previously and also colluded with Trump on economic issues during his successful Presidential campaign in which he defeated Hillary Clinton.
  9. Could be. Certainly was conversant in Black Ops and worked her way up to now be running the show.
  10. Here's my QB myth: Joe Namath was a great Pro Quarterback. Bonus myth: "All the NFL Pundits were shocked that Dan Marino wasn't drafted until the end of Round 1 by Miami."
  11. About 80% of his throws were behind the receivers. They had to hold up and wait for the ball. Granted, timing with receivers takes practice, but I don't like what I see there. He also throws high a lot. Wasn't an "under center" QB in college.
  12. Well, DR has laid out original source documents for most of his case(s). I for one tend to believe those documents more than I do some radio/TV/Intarwebs talking heads who are actually just pulling it out of their ass. I'm looking at YOU MSNBC, and CNN.
  13. Exactly... AND they are covered by a glass ceiling.
  14. Ask, and ye shall receive: Star Lutululei Kyle's for comparison:
  15. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for finally connecting the dots for us. That just makes SOOOOOOOO much sense. We can finally see what all the collusion was about and how it happened. It’s abundantly clear now why he gets two scoops of ice cream.
  16. Looking forward to the Congressional CIA Caucus convening soon. Question: Will they meet in secret?
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