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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Maybe this'll stop it. Trump won. He is the POTUS. Hillary is a nothingburger thanks to him.
  2. Yes, in the back. A teenager who was already wounded and running away from him.
  3. FIFY That might possibly satisfy some of the fans around here.
  4. http://drafttek.com Our very own Astro is the Bills contributor to that site. Not saying these are his picks, it's the rolling consensus of all the teams' contributors.
  5. Mana!@#$ made his millions working for Tony Podesta - not in working for Trump for two months. The biggest thing to come out of Mueller's investigation will be the red meat he throws to Rachael MadCow - Trump's tax returns, and the sworn testimony of Stormy Daniels. Huge hands, I tell ya. Yuuge!
  6. I think you're right. And "collusion" is not a crime unless they're conspiring to commit a crime. As I predicted early on, this whole Russian horseshit was a fabrication by FusionGPS to wage a propaganda war against a duly elected POTUS. At the end of the day, we'll probably see Mueller reveal Trump's tax returns for the five years prior to his becoming President.
  7. Demon Pass. An unforgettable moment in Congressional history.
  8. TIL United Airlines has a new training video:
  9. So in other words, we've lost the Off Season. What date and time is the Season Opener's kickoff? Hope they can think of something before then.
  10. About 10 hours to go for him to sack McCabe. I don't think he's going to do it. He's a softie and the DOJ bowels are grumbling. I think Sessions is gone if he doesn't fire McCabe OR doesn't appoint a second Special Counsel.
  11. Senator Dickless Durban at the mike again, “She said he was from a shithole country and got what he deserved.”
  12. The Bills never reveal contract terms. Look at the agent and Schefter for answers It’s not my money or yours.
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