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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yes, it's all Trump's fault, and of course, we've NEVER seen anything like this before in the history of our nation. [/S]
  2. Actually, I live right next to a reservation of the Wampanoag tribe. I'll go there later today and turn myself in. Should I wear a mask though, or carry a torch?
  3. Only 7 Third Round draft picks are signed so far. Patience is a virtue.
  4. Absolutely not. He neither contracted nor was cured of or died from the Wuhan virus. Furthermore he has not yet filed for double blind clinical trials which wouldn’t be completed for three to four years. Clearly he’s jumped the gun on this.
  5. But it's B.S. Obviously. Because obviously there haven't been clinical trials conducted to conclude that the Wuhan virus threat is over, obviously.
  6. It's called obliteration, and was one of the most terrifying ideas that the ground troops had to deal with. The main protagonist of BOB Richard Winters died about a year ago. He lived a quiet life in Hershey, PA. John Basilone. He was taken stateside to sell war bonds after Guadalcanal. He went back to active duty because he requested it and died on Iwo Jima on the first day of fighting. Exactly correct.
  7. I hadn’t seen it before. I’d never heard of Ty Clevenger either. Looks like another boot will be kicked up Brennan’s azz soon.
  8. "When I hold you in my arms and I feel my finger on your trigger I know nobody can do me no harm because, happiness is a warm gun." JL
  9. Not sure about the Republican Convention, but I'm certain they'll be wearing masks at the Democrat Convention. Question is - Black or White?
  10. Ohr Page Comey Brennan Clapper Strzok B. O.
  11. Take a chill pill Gary. Faux outrage is an unbecoming look.
  12. Lamb shanks. Might try to do them rogan josh style.
  13. If you like your testing, you can keep your testing Period. Stop living in fear. Living in fear is unhealthy.
  14. How one model simulated 2.2million American deaths due to Wuhan virus. Almost like yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theatre. Practice good hygiene people... common sense and good hygiene.
  15. Had booked a 2 week cruise to th Baltic countries that was supposed to start on Easter. That burned up quicker than the Wuhan virus. Im retired and live in Cape Cod. Every day is a Saturday and I’m in A vacation destination. Just had the boat put in the water in Hyannis. I plan to do as much fishing as I can.
  16. Speaking of Linds Ronstadt, check out her abio movie, “The Sound if my Voice.” If you’re a fan you’ll be pleased. who knew she is Mexican American?!
  17. I walked past Chris Farley on Broadway near 50th and we nodded to each other. He wasn’t a Bill, but couple probably have been able to take a few snaps on the OL.
  18. You forgot The Case of the Flatuent Poster and The Case of the Pompous Pretender. Those were classic and their transcripts can be read on these very pages.
  19. Speak for yourself Mr PANICMODE.
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