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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. But think of Schiff. It can't possibly extend to him too could it? Oh, the humanity!!!
  2. Exactly, and who amongst us railed against it? Pray tell.
  3. Now we can expect Nunes to get his too! [#notmypotusyougopscum] From your linky thingy: The following day, Aug. 30, 2016, Page texted Strzok: “Here we go,” sending a link to the Times report titled, “Harry Reid Cites Evidence of Russian Tampering in U.S. Vote and seeks FBI inquiry.” That's proof of COLLUSION!!! TRAITORS!!! Damn straight! [#notmytimetofacerealitycauseI'msickwithTDS]
  4. That crosses the line. Definitely. COLLUSION!!!
  5. Taking a date to The Russian Tea Room probably doesn’t count.
  6. Sounds like you've got some racy insider information!
  7. I wonder how much the Clintons paid Trump to throw South Korea under the bus. It's obvious that the upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un that the little dictator has us over a barrel and will be demanding a reunification with the South but with Un in control and a total conversion to communism for the entire peninsula. Actually, the meeting already took place between Un and Trump. I have photographic proof: Kim Jong Un standing next to President Trump (Hillary's shill).
  8. Why, for crimes against Bills Nation of course!
  9. He is a dumbass for certain. Greedy pig. Deserves what he's going to get. Too bad for the TDSs it has nothing to do with Trump.
  10. Yes indeed! Obama's double-secret hush-hush, mush-mush behind-the-scenes diplomacy finally pays off in spite of the Cheeto-head's bumbling over the last year and a half.
  11. Never fear. The Clinton Foundation will be stepping in soon, most certainly. Handling this kind of disaster that it was created for. Remember how well it did in ?? Haiti.
  12. The 10 year treasury constant maturity minus the 2 year treasury constant maturity is definitely flattening and heading for inversion. But it looks like that would happen late in the 4th quarter or Q1 2019. For the past 40 or so years that event has ALWAYS been followed by a recession. Federal Reserve Bank Data It’s going sideways.
  13. With the sky-hook swivel open basket motorized Stormy Daniels harness option with leather lashings and Six inch spiked heels options, no doubt.
  14. We haven't had a President since George H.W. Bush that's served in the active military. W. served in the Air National Guard - thanks to Dan Rather for confirming. Clinton, Obama, and now Trump went nowhere near service to the military. Clinton tolerated them. Obama despised then. At least Trump believes in them and their service to protect this nation.
  15. No it is not at all “hard to believe that Marino was taken last.” Sorry, but this is one of my pet peeves. History does indeed matter. The USFL was at war with the NFL at that time and competed heavily with the cheaper NFL owners for talent. A few things are important to note. 1. It was the 80’s and it “snowed” a lot in that era. 2. NFL owners were all pretty much cheap and afraid of bidding wars with the reckless spending owners of the USFL who to their credit did sign some great talent: Herschel Walker, Jim Kelly, Reggie White... Many star players followed the money and turned their backs on the skinflints. Marino was viewed in that light. Draft him and you’ve a wasted your Round 1 pick. 3. The Dolphins’ success at that time and it’s location was a draw for Marino. And yes, Virginia. It snows in Miami - year round. 4. The USFL’s LA Express franchise had the #1 pick in the USFL 1983 Draft. They drafted... Dan Marino. The LA Express then made Steve Young the highest paid football player in 1984 with a $40 million contract. At the time it was even more outlandish than Joe Willie Namath’s rookie contract of $300,000 a year. That’s why it’s not hard to believe that Marino wasn’t picked by other teams in need. You have to see the bigger picture. History does indeed matter. 1. John Elway - Baltimore Colts 7. Todd Blackledge - KC Chiefs 14. Jim Kelly - The Bills 15. Tony Eason - NewenGland 24. Ken O'Brien - The JESTS 27. Dan Marino -The Fins
  16. It’s just the reason that he put in for his edit. He could have said, “for clarity.” Bolton to clean house. Look for Bolton to start throwing out some of Obama’s trash real soon.
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