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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. It’s not your post count that we’re watchin’. Na-na-na-na-na-na-nah!
  2. BUT HE’S RICH AND GRABBED WOMEN BY THE KITTY AND HE GOLFS AND WORSE YET - HE OWNS THE GOLF COURSES HE PLAYS ON, AND HIS SON MET WITH (gasp) RUSSIANS!! ARE YOU !@#$ING KIDDING ME? !@#$ING RUSSIANS!!! HE STOLE THE ERECTION FROM HILLARY AND SHOULD SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE IN JAIL. NOW, I’m going to calm down and collect myself. Then I’m going to go to my Hot Yoga class. Then when I get back home, I’m going to get ready for the big rally tomorrow. Do you think purple or blue spiked hair would go better with my new full body length Vagina costume?
  3. The USA Canada Mexico Great Britain France Germany Italy Spain Luxembourg
  4. That's one of the best things about having Bolton on the team. His stance is simple. We have the planes, trucks, ships, aircraft to help you disarm your nuclear arsenal very quickly. Tell us where they are and allow us access to them. Your people can monitor the entire process as we take them to the US and deconstruct them and destroy them. We've done this before with the Libya. If they balk, we walk. It'll be a short meeting and it'll be too bad for RNK.
  5. Chicago needs picks. They have none in Round 3, two in round 4, and one each in 5, 6, and 7.
  6. Ours - Derek also lived to 12. He had hip dysplasia pretty bad and we had to put him down. Saddest day of my life.
  7. We could get to #8 in trades with Chicago: Bears get: Bills #12 - 1,200 points Bills # 56 - 340 points (24th Pick in 2nd Round) Bills # 65 - 265 points (1st Pick in 3rd Round) Bills # 96 - 116 points Total 1,921 points Bills get: Bears #8 - 1,400 points Bears # 39 - 510 points Total 1,910 points We'd have seven picks: #8, 22, 39, 53, 121, 166, and 187 And then from #8, Bean could trade up to #4 for a 2019 2nd or 3rd rounder or to #2 for 2019's First rounder.
  8. IMO there should be a limit of 2 Comp Picks per team and they should be allotted at the end of Round 4.
  9. Good post Mickey. Always nice to see your Berner avatar.
  10. He would have been better off saying, "There is no Pope" and going into retirement.
  11. No, no, no, no, no. A Thousand times no. Trump is going to fire Pence and then abdicate his throne after he first appoints Hillary as President for Life. Get with the program people. Can I spell it out any plainer for you sheeple?
  12. And a musical score and lighting and costumes.
  13. Virtually every hand gun, and shotgun sold in America is a semi-automatic. Many rifles are too.
  14. Boyst62 keeps his man card for the foreseeable future.
  15. Scariest thing I ever did was log in to PPP.
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