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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yeah, they can be annoying. But they’re not a pimple on the ass of “That My Pillow Guy.” Can’t stand that gingle.
  2. We need a guard, folks. Braden Smith looks to still be available if I've read the picks correctly. http://drafttek.com/2018-NFL-Draft-Prospect-Rankings/Top-College-Offensive-Guards-2018-Draft.asp Not sure I care for Matt Miller's "Best Available" rankings. http://drafttek.com/Top-100-NFL-Draft-Prospects-2018.asp
  3. By that logic, no successful person could ever give salient advice to anyone born of lesser means. That makes no sense at all. Liberal politicians make careers out of telling other people how to live their lives, what the can and cannot do. Conservatives do as well, but I think they're much less invasive of personal rights than the liberals are.
  4. I think Mike Rowe is just outside the frame and is about to give this putz a giant noogie with the gun stock.
  5. I think I'll just drop this little beauty here. http://static.uglyhedgehog.com/upload/2018/3/3/369873-the_generation_gap.mp4
  6. Sure. Whatever. Here's a NSFW link to all the Sopranos murders... https://youtu.be/K6Iulu8y1nM Remember - it's NSFW for language.
  7. You almost have convinced me to go back to my old avatar. Almost.
  8. Sure. They're talking. Big deal. The media is all over their recent A-Bomb tests and super-secret ICBM test flights over Japan, Wake, Hawaii, and San Francisco. There have been what - seven or eight A-Bomb tests just since March of this year, and 27 - if I count them correctly ICBMs fired at the US of A in that same time period. Trump's administration has done NOTHING to keep this country safe and out of war with the Great Leader of the struggling people's democracy North Korea. [#notmypresidentimuchpreferredminedrawingredlinesinhismindofsandcrowd]
  9. If the IG report states categorically that he's a worm and snail, he'll be ruined. But he has his book deal. So there is that.
  10. People need to realize we've been in a "trade war" with China ever since Nixon opened up trade with them. We've been on the short end of the stick because we wanted to be friendly and help them build a middle class. We've done that now, and believe me, the young people in the new cities with their air conditioned apartments, automobiles, 4k TV sets, cell phones, and Nike apparel won't go quietly back to the Hutongs. They have an extremely viable middle class now and there's no turning back.
  11. Oh, but he’s wiping the floor with you. And all you can do is come back with details and facts? Obfuscation! [/Buseysbraintumorcauseshimtosnap]
  12. It’s the end-around Jimmy-jammy-super-flimmy-flammy-super-secret payoff. You know like the Orloff Gambit. Hoosie on the whatsus now.
  13. Absolutely. The Stormy landing strip is of national importance.
  14. Sure. Very best all time player at the U of R. Bills sent scouts to check him out... about 40 years ago.
  15. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20180330/so-they-re-not-coming-for-our-guns-eh-we-call-bs
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