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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Oh WOW man! That’s so cosmic man. I hope to score big time man. Do you think Bob would like share man? Groovy. Wonder if blonde Lebanese hash would work as well. I left a fat mattress somewhere. Just can’t remember exactly where.
  2. Man, that’s some shooting by those Syrians. Hey, did you know that Chairman Mao swam across the Yangtze a distance of some three miles when he was about 70? And he did it in world record time of about six or seven minutes too! That played well for the home team in China back in the day.
  3. So Nancy went there to have a “three way” with Kim Jong Un and Dennis Rodman. Got it. Now I see why she stutters.
  4. Exactly. Rudy, “Special Councel Muller, The Administration will pursue criminal indictments against Hillary Clinton, DWS, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, John and Tony Podesta, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, all principles of Fusion GPS, and retired British agent Steele for conspiracy to undermine the 2016 election process and their pursuit of the nullification of the results of that election process.” Muller, “Drop Hillary from that list and I’ll wrap up my investigation in two weeks.”
  5. Forensic evidence proves the data was copied far too fast for it to have been done over the Internet. It was an inside job.
  6. Or, it's a matter of how far Trump wants to put his foot up 44's ass, and who do they allow Sessions to prosecute for criminality. There's a long list of critters that should suffer the torture of defending themselves and their actions in courts of law where the public will see and hear the evidence of their treachery. I could see the "negotiations" as an implied limit on how many of these creatures that Sessions will be allowed to hang in the public square.
  7. Stop obsfuscating with details and facts DR.
  8. #TNLS We need to know all we want to know except the things we don’t want to know. It’s a thing of rare beauty.
  9. I missed the part where Trump was put under oath, I guess. And, if he ever is, he could admit to !@#$ing the Pope in the ass while Putin looked on from the corner of a Russian candlelit room jerking of to the Falalalalala song with strippers swinging naked in baskets suspended from turnbuckles in the ceiling tossed handfuls of Baluga caviar on rye toast to the ermine that were let into the room and were cavorting in the throes of sexual ecstasy allthewhile the hidden cameras of MI6, all 17 USIAs, The Clinton Foundation, and Kim Jong Un’s hot-to-trot Rodman-the-worm porno patrol are recording every moment in slow motion in order to capture every instant of salaciousness for posterity and of course - the TRUMP PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY and there would be nothing that he could be impeached for. Of course, Tony Podesta would be disgusted by the tapes because there were no children under the age of ten being sexually abused and violated in unspeakable manners. Of course Planned Parenthood and the DNC would hold us this as evidence as to why we need public funding of abortions and of course defray the cost of same by selling living fetus tissues... for “research” of course. !@#$ off... the lot of you.
  10. We’ve had a very long history of military involvement on the Mexican border. We had a war with them, Pancho Villa and his la cucaracha we’re a huge PIA. We invaded that shithole country. About six Presidents sent troops to, at, near, or over that !@#$ing damned border. As Stokley Carmichael might say, sending troops there is as American as cherry pie.
  11. If we don’t get a QB I fully expect the Pegulas to sell the franchise to the lowest bidder.
  12. You don’t think that Trump’s administration will actually make Californians pay for that damn thing, do you? My God, Hillary wouldn’t have been that cold. The man’s a fool. That’s why we should never have a damn businessman as POTUS. [#BRINGBACKOURENDLESSPOTOFGOLD]
  13. This is a controversy from which I prefer to remain aloof.
  14. I was told by its initial Commanding Officer that the U.S.S. Winston Churchill was to be attached to the NATO Command. It’s an impressive ship. I was in a group from Stevens that we’re given a tour of the ship before its first shakedown. It was tied up in Brooklyn at the time. Our Dean was a former Asst Secretary of the Navy under Bill and he arranged for the tour. It was after the Cole bombing but before 911.
  15. He would have gotten more time too if he wore bow ties.
  16. Volcanoes and solar activity. STOP!!! You’re obfuscating with details and facts. FASCIST!!! Oh, it’s always been weird. It’s just getting more so.
  17. He should suffer the same fate as the Green-Haired, Genital-Breathing Turtle which has just been added to the Endangered Reptiles list.
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