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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. KAG 2020. Reminds me of the Wired cover of OJ in "Whiteface".
  2. Yes. Testing went wrong... Terribly wrong. Very, terribly wrong. Had to "Run for life!" wrong.
  3. I got a ticket once for having a license plate bracket that slightly covered up the name of the state on the plate. Friggin local Barney Fife in northern NJ.
  4. Is it okay to throw a paper bag full of dog**** at her mouth though?
  5. Golden showers tape of him in a Russian hotel room with hookers and coke. It’ll be months before it gets determined that it’s fake and was paid for by Josh Rosen’s supporters.
  6. Ban vans now. There was an active driver in Toronto today. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/toronto-police-say-9-dead-16-injured-after-pedestrians-struck-suspect-arrested-1.3898118
  7. 9 dead in Toronto. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/toronto-police-say-9-dead-16-injured-after-pedestrians-struck-suspect-arrested-1.3898118 It was a White van of course.
  8. Can I ask for Obama to get killed by Obamacare? If not him - how about the smarmy ****head Jon Lovett who coined the phrase, "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance," and let's throw in Charlie Rose, David List, and Jon Favreau as well.
  9. I feel like I've already seen this series in True Detective Season One. Looks like Busey couldn't contain himself. QAnon Conspiracy Thread
  10. Lots of folks think we’ll get Rosen. What will that mean for The Board?
  11. To establish “permanent” bases. Caesar did cross the Rhine twice - by building bridges - which he tore down after strutting his stuff on the other bank. It shocked the Gauls.
  12. Don’t say who you WANT them to pick. Say who you think they’re going to pick.
  13. Personally I think that belt buckles should be illegal. That’s because a case I was nearly impaneled on in Trenton, NJ was about a Hispanic kid who beat another Hispanic kid with a “DEADLY WEAPON”... a belt buckle. I kid you not.
  14. Catherine Herridge of Fox News is as good an investigative journalist as there is on the tube these days IMO.
  15. I don’t wish him dead, but I would like to see Mike Lindell choke on one of his MyPillows.
  16. Oh, I hope the suit goes forth. I would love to be in the courtroom to see the plaintiffs faces when they get asked by the defense lawyers to give them access to all their communications, records, data, phone records, bank accounts records, emails, faxes, texts, etc. And I hope the judge demands they get it right away.
  17. At least two things wrong with that take. 1. Hannity is not a "journalist", he's a pundit. 2. Your position would require pee-poles like George Stuff-a-pole-up-his-azz to not comment on the Clintons because he used to work for them.
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