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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Looks like it hit a munitions depot. Where the hell is Sherpa? We need his eyes on this.
  2. Has anybody checked to see if he was mean to anyone in grammar school, ever said the “n” word or dipped the girl’s pigtails in the seat ahead of him in his desk’s inkwell? Inquiring minds want to know!
  3. And the Bills Nation takes a knee before the start of the season. So Billsy.
  4. Well, you know. “They all look alike” so there’s that.
  5. https://giphy.com/gifs/vs-male-orgasm-utWpnMhVWRw1G on mobile. Best I can do ATM.
  6. Children classically have been a terrible burden to the really rich. For centuries they ported them off to boarding schools to be rid of the nasty business of actually raising them and heaven forbid - having human interactions with the horrible little devils.
  7. I’m not at all interested in The Bills regular season schedule. It’s their post season schedule that interests me. When will that be released?
  8. Somebody’s got to use this little beauty.
  9. You can try to change, but you'll always be Gary Busey to us.
  10. Look at it this way. If Hillary runs against him again in 2020, she'll be promising free blow jobs and marijuana for everyone.
  11. A few of those too many special people are going to get incinerated soon. Well, at least incarcerated.
  12. Nope. Just a straight-up !@#$ you. Unsubstantiated drivel doesn't wear well here. Nope. Just a straight-up !@#$ you. Unsubstantiated drivel doesn't wear well here. You know that.
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