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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He should be prosecuted for failing to register as an agent for a foreign government.
  2. Don't forget the Do-rag fo' yo' head!
  3. I would think that if the SC investigation into Trump's campaign was created under false pretenses, then not prosecution of anyone should result in a conviction - even if he "shot someone dead on Fifth Avenue."
  4. Maybe the kids had it coming. Ya never know. Seriously, I had an Aunt who used to beat her step-kids with the heel of her shoe. We were terrified of going to visit them. My cousins loved my parents. My dad only threatened to whip us with his razor strap. He'd fold it in half and crack it like a whip. We straightened up quickly. Of course that was back in the day when singing this little ditty wouldn't get you thrown out of school: Glory, glory hallelujah, Teacher hit me with a ruler I came in the door with a smokin' 44 Now there ain't no teacher anymore.
  5. Probably gonna lose a few scholarships and be ruled ineligible for a bowl game.
  6. typing with my thumbs is not my forte. Or, as gator would say my fort.
  7. I know Tibs/Gaytard gave me Schifft about it when I switched and he found out what it was. Been thinking about going back to my original for some time, but it seems this one sticks in the craw of many of the weepy left, so I’ll wait awhile longer before changing back. Exactly. And that jerk is wearing a baseball cap. TAKE IT OFF YOU !@#$ING CULTURAL APPROPRITOR!!!
  8. Yep. Gotta be able to step up and in if the moment requires it.
  9. Could be seen riding alongside of Conan The Barbarian.
  10. I missed it too. HBBD Joe. Just think, only five more years till your first colonoscopy. Oh, and 45 is about when you start needing reading glasses. Getting old sucks - but it beats the alternative.
  11. The funniest thing about Baghdad Bob was when he tried to surrender to the US troops and they told him he wasn't important enough.
  12. Ed's thread. "I suck. I blow. I'm a horrible human being." Then he never admitted what it was that he did. Drove everyone crazy trying to figure it out, or get him to say what it was that made him feel so bad.
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