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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. It's classic NK posturing... just like Trump classically postures before the final stage of negotiations.
  2. Right. Orange iPhones for Indonesia. Trump will make billions on that.
  3. If they want people to buy that rag, they should stop having a website. That goes for all newspapers and magazines.
  4. Avenatti is a prince. He's above reproach. Or then again, maybe he's just a roach... a cockroach. ? It's clearly collusion of the highest order. Having both sets of parents naming their children the same smacks of collusion - which dates back decades if you are to believe the Cohens are adult men at this time. It's only logical. Well, it's well established that she is indeed a whore, but I never thought she would stink like that!
  5. You could not be more hopelessly wrong. He's simply joining Stormy's legal team so she gets the maximum amount she's go coming from Trump. [#RESISTATALLCOSTS]
  6. You've got to be joking. His truck was ass-backwards with The Bills logo. It's emblematic for what he did to the franchise. This is what it should have looked like:
  7. Say it ain't so! They're the most trusted name in Fake News!
  8. I'm partial to "Drinking out of Cups" by Dan Deacon.
  9. RIP Coach. You were one of the best.
  10. Absolutely! Like Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Cincinnati, LA, and Oakland.
  11. Religion of peace, so we've been told and told and told again.
  12. http://freebeacon.com/issues/real-story-scott-pruitts-trip-rome/ "Pruitt's visit to the same summit Lisa Jackson attended during the beginning of her tenure as an Obama administration EPA administrator included stops in Rome and Bologna. Pruitt's schedule, obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, reveals the four-day trip was heavy on business dealings. Pruitt attended delegations, bilateral meetings, and dinners, including a productive meeting with top Vatican officials, who said Pruitt was "thinking carefully" about issues related to climate change. Pell's presence was a surprise to organizers. Two invited guests brought him along as a "plus-one." A Vatican insider, who requested anonymity to speak candidly, confirmed that he brought the cardinal on his own initiative, rather than at Leo or Pruitt's request. "I sent the invitation to [Pell] directly. For us it was a dinner amongst friends, a chance to have a night out," the source said. "It had been the cardinal's birthday [June 8], so he had been in a celebratory mood." But of course "Climate Change Deniers" have to be exposed for the heretics to the new Holy Climate Empire and the threat that they personify.
  13. Obviously, Willie's got to re-record "Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys" with new lyrics: "Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Republicans"
  14. Yes. Yes, that's what it was. And yoga. Yes. Grandchildren and yoga.
  15. Well, she had to camouflage the neck brace somehow.
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