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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Volcano Eruption, Royal Wedding, School Shootings, Lincoln Tunnel Bus Crashes, and our own DC Tom stubbed his toe! There's LOTS of news to report on now instead of this stilly stuff about FBI/DOJ/CIA corruption.
  2. No. He heard Covfefe! https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/192227-the-medias-portrayal-of-trump-and-his-presidency/?do=findComment&comment=5118839
  3. Allen’s obvious inaccuracy issues are obviously on display. Obviously.
  4. I think The NY Times has suspicious ties to Russia, Russian spies, Russian sympathizers, and Russian special interests who are direct threats to our democracy, our electoral system, and the right of the American people to freely elect our representatives and decide our sovereign destiny.
  5. Thanks. That's a good counter argument against my fleeting thoughts about the boogiemen.
  6. One other consideration that we haven't really traced out at all is that the CIA/FBI/etc., had dirt on Trump from way back in his past regarding building his Real estate empire around the world. They might just have thought WTF? THIS a-hole? He's dirty as **** and we know it. We've got to take measures to ensure he doesn't become POTUS. Could be why they've been on his azz like stink on **** since waaaaaay before the campaign was in full swing. Like Pasta Fajoey's Bat Signal, "Hillary Clinton!"
  7. She's got enough money to employ the Wegman's Natick gambit... escalators for her and her shopping carts of cash.
  8. Let's see... John Adams Ben Franklin Anybody see George Washington or Thomas Jefferson lurking around the board?
  9. Common man. Try hearing it in the voice of Wally Cox, or Ed Wynn, or Napoleon Dynamite. Be creative in your fantasies. And remember to keep all your firearms and Molotov cocktails under lock and key. The rest of us want to feel safe from you and your possible random acts of terror on the law abiding innocents.
  10. "I see nothing unusual here. I trusted him. He's my friend. I know him," said James Comey to the Judge.
  11. Apparently not. We should have fun with this mentally-less-advanced crap over the next few days.
  12. There's another key role in the story. A self-made man becomes a preacher for Zeus after he encounters the protagonist who goes through a spiritual revival after being in prison. It's convoluted.
  13. https://www.ajc.com/news/world/reports-plane-crashes-shortly-after-take-off-cuba/5hd9uOCu3xXjp78Ac7fODL/ American plane crash on takeoff in Cuba.
  14. It’s not the mods. It was #1. He installed a system version upgrade a week ago. They’re part of the package.
  15. A very interesting comment from Morpheus in that article. Claims Trump shut down the voter fraud commission, but not the investigation. Claims DHS is now tasked with doing that and the states can’t do didilly to stop it now. Any truth to that? It could be yuuge.
  16. Read Wolfe’s “A Man In Full.” Sounds like it’s your story.
  17. The Donald POTUS will extract his revenge. Of that I have NO doubt.
  18. “Hillary Clinton lost the election to a novice politician.”
  19. American terrorists in the making: And worse yet... Christian Terrorists!
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