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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You forget John, that Reagan was despised by the Left as a "Cowboy" with ZERO foreign policy experience. He was just an "actor" who gave speeches for GE. His diplomacy with Andropov (Korean Air) was scorned and that with Gorbachev ("failed" Reykjavik Summit) he was again painted as an inexperienced Cowboy who was going to blow up the world. His Star Wars initiative was ridiculed as disastrous to world peace. He got zero credit for ending the Cold War and the USSR being dismantled. Lech Walesa and Solidarity as well as Pope John Paul II were given the credit by the media for that. It wasn't until he was shot and hospitalized that the media and the Left softened on him, but even then they only very begrudgingly gave him credit for his achievements.
  2. Imagine if Clint Eastwood had done a similar tirade at the Republican National Convention.
  3. So, who did he vote for? Sounds like he was undecided. Oh, and Weinstein turned himself in and has been formally charged with rape.
  4. When do we see commercials with a Pink Spiked Haired wife in full body vagina costume married to a MAGA hat-wearing middle aged WASP going on a camping vacation with their litter of illiterate meth-head children?
  5. Weaponized the IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA FISA Court Abuses Corrupted the law in GMC bankruptcy World-wide Apology Tour Racial Division Inspirer Petty Politics Teleprompter enabled Jug-eared Stuttering Doofus
  6. They’ve got the most to lose, and that’s a lot. Dear Short, Fat and Ugly Toad, You fogging ice hole. You lousy cork suckers don’t want to play no ball with US? Well then, fork you and your small breasted skinny women. Yours truly, Donald J Trump POTUS... That means President of the United States in case youse don’t know you illiterate fart. Simmah down now! Simmah da damn down! Perhaps we could entice The Grand Dutch of Fenwick to take our place at the negotiating table. But according to the media he’s done nothing and deserves ridicule for being, well... Trump.
  7. Wasn’t “When they go low, we go high” a Dem thing? Whatever happened to that? i think dog1960 has returned from med school.
  8. Thank Gosh they didn’t show any Pats*** allegedly committing a foul in one of those videos. It would have immediately called into question the veracity of the NFL and their new rules.
  9. Hahahahaha. Squeeze the weak link who isn’t an American and terrorize him with threats of tossing him back to PooTin to be served up as raw meat. Or serve 50 years of hard time in the WhiteHouse dungeon. Kudos Mueller. You’re a prince of virtue.
  10. When are Allen and Harrison Phillips going to sign their contracts? They're going to practice without being signed?
  11. Can we get Congress to sanction JFK for raping an 18 year old intern in the WH swimming pool? I'm cranky right now. Just got back from taking the boat out for the first time this season. We're at Hyannis Marina and traveling west we always pass the "Kennedy Compound." BTW it doesn't look in real life from the water like it does on GOOOOOgle Maps. Whatever. It's to the west of the Jetty. What rankles my azz especially today is that Mrs. Nanker caught all the fish. I was skunked. She got a 16" Black Sea bass that was a beautiful keeper. She had me toss it back. Now I want all the Sons of Bitches in the Conspiracy against Trump to HANG!
  12. Give the broad a break. She's like 88 or something already. She probably has to double up on her Depends. All four of these Sons of Bitches should rot in Leavenworth for a few decades. Well, considering... it could go either way. Might not, but it could. It'll probably break in one direction or another - unless it doesn't. Then again, it still might at a later date. But of course it might not and then think of the conundrum they'll be in in trying to couch the "facts" of the matter in such a way that their readership can grasp it, but certainly not digest it. However; there's always a chance that it could end up as a bunch of nothingness on the end of a gossamer's wing of floss. You know - hard journalistic investigation and reporting in the Post Modern Age.
  13. All caused by this - Hillary taking a dip in the Deep State Swamp:
  14. Wow! “Unlimited gun rights.” What state do you live in? I moved out of New Jersey after they passed the “One gun a month” bill. I couldn’t afford to buy one gun every month. Well, I could actually, but I didn’t need nor want all of those guns.
  15. The OC called for a Shift just before the snap.
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