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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. So, he's not completely without qualifications then.
  2. It was a case of mistaken identity by my skimming too fast. Some rookie was giving SDS lip and that's who I first responded to. My apologies to you good sir. Carry on.
  3. https://apnews.com/f984309e8f56481eaec542417993c5b4/Senior-NKorean-official-heads-to-NY-to-plan-for-Trump-summit "The U.S. “continues to actively prepare” for an “expected summit” between President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un in Singapore, the White House said, as diplomatic efforts are underway on two continents to prepare for the historic meeting. Trump confirmed Tuesday that a top North Korean official, Kim Yong Chol, is headed to New York for talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. It marks the latest sign that prospects for the summit are growing, just days after it was ostensibly called off by Trump, as teams of U.S. officials have arrived at the Korean demilitarized zone and in Singapore to prepare for the meeting." What do you think will be the outcomes of this summit - both short and long term? I think they officially end the Korean War, and Kim agrees to denuclearize and stop their missile program. Massive Western investments can then pour into the North - specifically agricultural machinery, electrical power generating systems, tourism businesses, mining equipment and refining, and manufacturing - both heavy and light, e.g., electronics. I think that part of the world will see incredible prosperity as a result of this logjam breakthrough.
  4. He's the owner of this site. That's who.
  5. Hold your collective breaths. I heard Kim put the Summit back on because he heard Trump promise to bring Stormy Daniels along on Air Force One.
  6. Chart of crude oil prices. Recessions marked as gray bars and $ adjusted for inflation.
  7. Seriously? Do you know who you were talking to?
  8. The stories that parents tell their children are held as truths even though the reality which comes with age and experience should dawn on them at some point. Often it doesn’t and the myth is held onto. Hillary: “I was told that I was named for Sir Edmund Hillary,” which is demonstrably false. Lieawatha: “I was told that I am 1/16th Cherokee Indian.” Which most Mid-Westerners know is an euphemism for “the bull jumped a fence.”
  9. Oh there working on it behind the scenes right now I have no doubt. It’ll be the conspiracy of collusion to create a corrupt conservative cabal circumnavigating Constitutional concerns of career commentators. Ever notice how the Left always falsely accuse Republicans of what they themselves are actually doing? Their projections are astounding.
  10. Yeah. That’s pretty rich considering B.O.’s legacy of shame. The lack of perspective is stunning.
  11. Oh dear. Now Chelsey Manning is threatening to commit suicide. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/05/twitter-horror-chelsea-manning-tweets-suicide-note-and-picture-of-herself-on-ledge-of-a-tall-building/ What a shock. She seemed so stable during her announcement about running for the Senate.
  12. I found the phrase “... the structural challenge of building a left wing talent pipeline” pretty funny. Isnt that what our public schools are?
  13. Except it happened in 2014 while your hero B.O. was in office. So of course, you deleted your tweet. If you like you hypocrisy, you can keep your hypocrisy.
  14. I beg to differ. Trump doesn’t “Get even.” He “Gets ahead.” Look for EVERY Democrat running for office to have an FBI spy “protecting” them this fall and in 2020.
  15. Shades of the Arian Nation pod in Breaking Bad.
  16. Or, in the pithy words of the creator of "Dilbert," Scott Adams: I'm talking about a different series of unmaskings: Heroes and Knaves, Allies and Foes, Pundits and Nincompoops, Friends and Enemies of Israel, all unmasked by the genius of President Trump. Heroes and Knaves It's appropriate this Memorial Day weekend to salute the retiring NSA director, Admiral Mike Rogers, for courageously standing up against the Obama Administration and the intelligence apparatus, risking all to blow the whistle on the illegal sharing of FISA information on the part of those working to aid Hillary and defeat Trump. A full timeline of his actions is detailed here: The author, Jeff Carlson, is quite obviously correct in his conclusions: "we will never understand what Rogers did for our country," and we would never have known of the spying and FISA violations without him as the intelligence community was caught unaware by the upset presidential race and was working hard to cover up its illegal conduct. Much more at the link: . Looks like Mark Steyn reads Greggy's threads.
  17. An even MORE important question is, where is the Special Prosecutor looking into British Government's meddling in our last Presidential election and what consequences will the Brits have to face? They're clearly culpable in the treachery to deny Trump a victory and to smear him and his administration. Collusion!
  18. I want an autographed copy of the book when you publish it Greg.
  19. Your rite. It could have been worse. Far, far worse. She could have been an Intern at the Clinton Foundation.
  20. No, but probably just a Neo-Macedonian wanna be with delusions of reviving the Empire of Alexander. Hitler wasn't German after all. :hrumph: :hrumph:
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