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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I hear that Cuba is quite lovely at this time of the year.
  2. E This. Though to be perfectly clear Gary, we wholeheartedly support your right to suck as much rooster and take as much rooster up your ass as you want. The conservatives and Independents here are very tolerant - unlike your goose stepping Leftist Fascist friends.
  3. Hey, as a 5 Liter HSE LandRover Range Rover owner, I resent the implication. Damn Straight. JEH must be turning over in his grave. It’s not just a tenet of our form of representational democracy, it’s an ideal we hold dear.
  4. CNN & Wulff Blotto are already running with the expected story that the blowing up of the NoKo nuke testing sites was just a superficial propaganda show. #RESIST!
  5. I met people in the 70s who became Khrisnas because... George Harrison.
  6. Hence my Hay foot straw foot post above. Most of the CW conscripts we’re farm lads and many of them were Irish. They literally didn’t know “Left” from “right” so their drill sergeants had them tie hay and straw to their ankles so they’d know how to march in cadence. Instead of “Your Left, your right, your left.” They would bark out, “Hay foot, straw foot, Hay foot” to drill the dumb bastages.
  7. hay foot, straw foot. hay foot, straw foot. hay foot, straw foot. hay foot, straw foot.
  8. People will line up in long lines and wait a long time to get free stuff.
  9. No, no, no, no, no! A thousand times NO. This is just more of your ridiculous Right wing Islamaphobia. [/DWS,DNC]
  10. But the important question is, “Should Kim Kardashian be attacked?”
  11. What took him so long to sign? You can make it up by putting a hard plastic and metal elbow brace on and giving Brady a "Gronkowski" to the back of his head.
  12. I've marked my calendar. I'll be in Alaska then, but I'm sure we'll be able to get the news.
  13. Why you’ve just tarnished the sterling reputation of the FBI! Dont you know how badly that will hurt our national security and likely cause some agents and politburo managers to lose their pensions, or at the very least have a note put in their personnel file?
  14. Again, why hasn’t Carter Page been arrested and charged?
  15. Who put that up as a timetable? Baby steps. Baby steps.
  16. Look no further than The Dungeon - PPP. it’s largely self-moderated and fools are not suffered lightly.
  17. I'd like to see him hit the weight room a bit more. His arms aren't very big.
  18. No. Hillary hired her and Kathy Gifford to rewrite her "Deplorables" speech that she's going to use on her 2020 campaign.
  19. Absolutely! So, obviously we need to take guns away from the Police because well, they just can't be trusted.
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