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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. If the Democrat party is outlawed, only outlaws will be Democrats.
  2. But how can this possibly be. Algeria was Algeria was a member of the UN Human Rights Council from 2014 - 2016. This can't be true. It's a spurious lie from the JEWS and TRUMP! #RESIST!
  3. Mexico is an enabler for illegal immigration. That will never stop. This is why a wall is imperative. Then ICE can focus on the other soft underbelly of America - our sea and air ports.
  4. Not at all. It’s obviously the fallout of you bending over and lighting your fart while your !@#$ is aimed directly at some building. Congratulations on such a prodigious blast of gas! You undoubtedly would bring great honor to your village if you were Japanese.
  5. New Yorker magazine “fact checker” says an ICE worker was wearing a Nazi tattoo. Oops!
  6. He is. I can vouch for that. And the manager boasted of her intolerably rude (and economically irrational) treatment of Sanders’ family on social media. Remember when Republican restaurant owners wouldn’t let Obama administration employees eat in their restaurants? No, I don’t recall that either. I only have two observations about the Red Hen outrage: 1) We don’t have Red Hen restaurants in our part of the country, or I would boycott them. 2) I hope Republicans are taking notes. One of these days, we will have a Democratic administration. And when that happens, every single outrage that the Democrats have perpetrated beginning in January 2017 should be visited upon them. Republicans should be moderate, though. We shouldn’t heed the words of an extremist who enjoined us to “punch back twice as hard.” Giving the Democrats back equal measure will be enough. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/06/she-should-have-asked-them-to-bake-her-a-cake.php Whatever happened to “When they go ‘low’, we go ‘high’.”? now it’s more like “We just get high and can’t get down.”
  7. Hahahahahahaha Mueller simply won’t allow the Defense to see what “evidence” he has on the Rooskies because there isn’t any. Great move by the Defense - to go to court and demand a speedy trial. Caught Mueller completely off guard in this sham of an investigation that only seeks inflammatory headlines that are biased against the POTUS.
  8. I opened this thread and actually responded. Shame, shame on me.
  9. The Joker was a bit weird. Never could figure out what he was saying with "the pompitous of love." Space Cowboy was pretty good, and it seems to fit right in here...
  10. You inhuman bastage! How many innocent birds were harmed in the filming of that scene? Your only saving grace is that they gave up their lives to kill a Nazi. #PETARESISTORS LMAO. The RNC should run this add nationwide. One can only imagine the thousands of lawsuits from parents of poor darling children who catch ancillary spray in their faces.
  11. You stupid ****! You didn’t photoshop out the Israeli flag in the foreground!!! Oy vey! You could get kicked out of the Mossad for that you mashugana goy!
  12. I knew it. I KNEW IT!!! Well, you’d better put on your dancing shoes.
  13. I liked hearing about how these children were being taught how to use a modern bathroom facility. That’s a good skill to have for when they go to public schools in the US.
  14. It’s the Gong Show. No doubt. Enjoy the ride. Ranch dressing? imagine if he did buy The Buffalo Bills! Zoot Alors!
  15. We are so saddened by this news. America is a bit less now with his loss.
  16. This is great news. Can we now demand Asian children stop playing the violin and cello?
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