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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Meazza isn’t Canadian, silly. He’s from Quebec... AND he’s Italian.
  2. Absolutely. He was sweating more than Reverend Al does when writing a check.
  3. “Eighteen months after the evidence was recounted in the urgent memo, prosecution appears to have stalled for reasons not publicly explained. Imran is in court July 3 for a possible plea deal in the bank fraud case. Gohmert said the FBI has refused to accept evidence demonstrating alleged House misconduct, and some witnesses with first-hand knowledge say the bureau has not interviewed them.” Of course the vaunted FBI is not politicized. No sir ree bob. No, not at all. Not one bit. They’re clinically impartial at all times. Pure as the wind-driven snow, they are.
  4. You mean in Rubles, of course. Oh, and Endless Summer?
  5. I did my own #WalkAway in 1980. The stench of the Carter years was too much for me. And I voted for that a-hole.
  6. They've got to be joking... "Did (they) fabricate Russian Collusion evidence?" Did they? Did they? Did they?!!! The f uckers made it up out of whole cloth! The lying sons of bitches.
  7. Well... We’re waiting. Any day now - right Gary?
  8. I suggest we use the term “berneroids”. It evokes thoughts of burning hemorrhoids which is about what they are - useless pains in the ass that scream out for immediate attention.
  9. “The Incredible Smugness of Being” - a novel by Peter Strzok co-authored by Rob Rosenstein, with a foreward by James Comey. Published by Penguin Books, it will be available in bookstores in early October, 2018.
  10. Which branch of the Mossad did he work for? Asking for a friend [LaDexadrine].
  11. Leftist dog whistles in the air. It's all they've got and they're shouting out like fire sirens. Maxine Waters should be censured by the House. Their demented rhetoric inspired a wack job to shoot up Republicans at a baseball practice. No real response in kind from the right. They have too much decency to put a cap in her sorry azz.
  12. I saw about 12 Harley dealerships in Alaska over the last week or two. No other bikes had shops. MAGA.
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