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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I know. And you know what comes after the 12th don’t cha? FRIDAY THE 13th horror.
  2. Interesting that you don’t list Mike Pence. He’s only 61 now. I don’t think he would win the nomination though. For me, it’s Nikki Haley’s to lose. Her candidacy would tie the Left into pretzel knots.
  3. I hope the next governor of NY renames the bridge over the Tappan Zee, The Tappan Zee Bridge. We don’t know yet how racist Mario was yet, but we’re sure to find out. We do know he was in favor of draconian jail sentences for crack dealers and he thought, they should be put in jail to get the Severe punishment from other prisoners that they deserve. I heard him say something to that effect when he was still governor in an radio interview on Imus in the morning.
  4. No. What it means is that we on the side of justice are being strangled by the purposeful and intentional slow walk of evidence. They’ve been running out the clock for two years and we. Don’t have a field goal kicker that can score the winning points before time runs out. We’ve been strangled.
  5. The LSU “Fighting Tigers” are named for a fierce Confederate infantry unit. Wonder when LSU gets Cancelled.
  6. This is Blackface? Its okay though. He’s safer than a Virginia Democrat goobenator.
  7. He’s just delighted that black women kill their unborn babies. It means there are fewer descendants of the slaves his forefathers owned when they came here from German provinces in the 1600s.
  8. The emergency surgery wasn’t to remove his foot from his mouth, it was to remove his head from deep inside his rectum.
  9. And you’re a Nazi pedophile.
  10. Been done before, but that is a more polished performance. Nine years ago we were entertained by this NSFW little ditty
  11. I’m waiting for the obituary.
  12. The USWNT is more popular than the NFL.
  13. What a bunch of maniacs. It looks like Bedlam. Literally.
  14. Biden’s still in his basement bunker, right. Just checking. He’s ghoulishly white.
  15. Gee Joe, sounds just like you want to put them all back in chains!
  16. Well some people have the good sense not to drop dead on the Sabbath.
  17. Face it. We’re all dead. We just haven’t accepted it yet.
  18. Awesome! Where is this place. What a buying opportunity for a real estate investment. It looks like one could make a killing there.
  19. I’ve scheduled an organization of my sock drawer that day too. Damn! Orangeman BAD.
  20. What a well oiled machine his campaign is. Anyone know what Jr. High School Civics class is in charge? On another note, their candidate looks like he just woke up from a nap. And, could he be any whiter? He looks like a sprig of three week old white asparagus that’s been kept in a dehydrator. Oh, and certainly he is the unquestioned authority about who is “black.” He’s done so much for that Particular demographic. You know like mandatory sentences for evil Crack Cocaine users. Of course, he didn’t put them all back in chains. He threw them into chain gangs from which most never recovered. Then he indulged his son with cocaine get-out-of-jail-free cards. What a dad. Should have been named “Father of the Year.” But they probably held off so they could give Hunter that this year. Any word from the campaign about when the Holy Biden’s are planning on visiting their grandson in Arkansas for the first time? I’m certain they’ll be planning on doing that soon.
  21. Racist stereotyping! More racist stereotyping! Racist cultural appropriation! AND animal cruelty! Racist stereotyping! MORE Racist stereotyping! Racist cultural appropriation!
  22. Just heard that Quaker Oats is going to rebrand and rename their Aunt Jemima line of products. I do so hope they start calling it Aunt Teefa https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/aunt-jemima-brand-will-change-name-remove-image-quaker-says-n1231260
  23. Nice try, but it won't work D. R. What you THINK you're seeing is a #WalkAway sister bringing a righteous smack down on a group of TrustFund Liberals dressed in their #Woke selves virtue-signaling Tilly hat with chin strap deployed, pearl clutching, Samsung brandishing, video taping, virtue mask wearing transgender boygirls who never heard a black person talk like that and are stunned into silent disbelief. What this really is, is a pitiful example of CGI by Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner posing as real black people spewing their father/father-in-law's hatred for the common folk who proudly march in patrols on our streets to keep the righteous protestors safe from Nazis, xenophobic white nationalists, Islamophobes, homophobes, racist red necks, the KKK, and worst of all... the POLICE! #TIBSGARYTRANSGENDERBILLZ
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