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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Eye no. Just wanted to add the “T” for em-fah-cess dahhlink.
  2. On the other hand, please don’t call poopie diapers a pile of shift. Shift has feelings too.
  3. Gotta love it. You kno POTUS does.
  4. Better question, will her performance tonight be on her back?
  5. I think that idiot is gone now. When I first checked in here today it had started about a dozen inane posts, and added to most others so it filled the screen with a blanket of his revolting avatar. Rubbish, I say. Rubbish.
  6. No. He's a hero because he admitted he shot a fleeing teenager in the back while collecting a scratch on his finger - which got him his 3rd Purple Heart.
  7. Pay your fair share NATO allies, and STFU.
  8. I know. He was as "liberal" as they came back then. I think he'd be revolted at what the "left" has become.
  9. To be fair (and leaning waaaaay over backwards) just "working hard" in and of itself is not a guarantee of success. Lots of people work very hard every day and bump into a ceiling WRT advancement. There has to be opportunity to succeed (and in college there is plenty of that). But, in the workforce there are lots of impediments to advancement. I remember when women were getting mainstreamed into the workforce and complaints of the "glass ceiling" were popularized. Funny thing is, most men had bumped into that same glass ceiling for decades with nary a whimper. Of course, back in that day there was a social contract between employer and employee that lasted (generally speaking) a full career. People did not bounce around every two or three years from company to company like they do now. But generally speaking again - that's being done because the opportunity to advance isn't in the current job - it's in the next job. Just my 2¢.
  10. Yep. Wonder what Walter Chronkite would think about “reporters” and the MSM of today.
  11. Yes, it’s protected “free speech” and the government can spew propaganda on us now - legally.
  12. Oh good God! So Ronald Reagan is still alive?!!! This is shocking news.
  13. I’ll take “Things Stretch Pelosi says in an increasingly rare moment of sobriety and coherency” for $500, Alex.
  14. No. I’m pretty sure there was one. But the government removed it just before the attack to allow clear passage for the missile.
  15. Simple. First you do this: Then this: Then a little of this: Then you get this:
  16. Common man, it'll look like this - Left Vs. Right
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