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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I’ll be the stand in if one of you can’t make it.
  2. Let this forever be known here as giving someone a Royale with Cheese.
  3. Took the boat out today on the Vineyard Sound, down to Woods Hole and then over to Martha’s Vineyard. It was a beautiful day.
  4. 25%. And their employers pay 38% Social Security taxes on their GROSS pay. Of course, it’s the American consumer who is actually paying that tax when they purchase their new Volvo.
  5. Hoo new POTUS is a regular here at PPP. No. None whatsoever other than the CIC gets to wack the Leftist beehive on a regular basis. You’d think their adrenal glands would be exhausted by now.
  6. So which Senator in Kavanaugh’s hearing will be the one to ask in a stern, gravitas-filled tone, “Mister Kavanaugh, is it true that you put ketchup on your pasta, and why?”
  7. My condolences. It’s a rough thing to go through.
  8. No. Because they're "progressive" in their mindset. Except for the fact that all the Scandinavian people look alike at least within their own borders, and they all speak the same language, you couldn't tell them apart from the hundreds of thousands of homeless on the streets of Kallifornyah.
  9. From January 11, 2017 From July 6, 2017 From November 12, 2017 From October 19, 2016
  10. What happy horseshit. In Sweden, The "progressive" Personal Income Tax Rate is only 61.85% of income (for the highest earners) - but their company has to pay Social Security tax of 38.42% of their employees GROSS income. Oh, and their sales tax rate is 25%. Norway's a piker in comparison. 38.52% Personal income tax rate, 22.30 Social Security tax rate, and a 25% Sales tax rate. Finland has a top rate of 51.6%, a Social Security tax of 32.53%, and a mere 24% Sales Tax rate. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/economic-intelligence/2014/12/18/why-sweden-denmark-and-norway-have-high-taxes-and-still-show-up-to-work "A SMALL NUMBER OF overwhelmingly white Northern European countries with a Christian cultural heritage or even a Protestant established church are, for quite a few American progressives, the place to turn to for public policy inspiration. This can probably be explained by a strong belief that those countries – Denmark, Sweden and Finland, perhaps even Iceland, the Netherlands or Austria – are characterized by more equal outcomes, higher rates of social mobility, better public education and higher taxes. (I suppose that secularism, drug policy and bike lanes help as well.) The high taxes are particularly awesome, especially because they don’t seem to destroy everyone’s willingness to show up to work. Now, it is obviously infuriating to believe that other countries have discovered and implemented a technology to immanentize the eschaton, and that you could, too, if only your political opponents believed in science and weren’t so racist. Why, you ask, why, tell me why! And there is more that sets Scandinavia apart. So far we have looked at fairly clear-cut correlations of quantifiable numbers between zero and one. But might policy and politics be downstream from culture? Well, that certainly appears to be the case once we look at Scandinavian culture. Scandinavians trust their fellow citizens. They think poor people have typically been unlucky instead of lazy. They vote actively and participate in civil society. They respect the rule of law, and they donate to charity. Professor Kleven recognizes all of these things, and ultimately chooses not to guess what causes what. Yet for the ambitions of American progressives, that distinction matters very much. If all of these things are so precisely because the Scandinavian countries are small and homogeneous and have been that way for quite some time, then there is not much to be learned from this Scandinavian business. The Scandinavians themselves seem quite confident that they know the answer: culture matters and that their countries are small and homogeneous matters. They are the most Euroskeptic peoples of the continent. Norway is not a member of the European Union, Sweden joined only recently, and none of the three adopted the eurozone’s common currency. They seem to like their small, homogeneous countries just fine. And perhaps that’s what Scandinavia ultimately teaches us: the value of subsidiarity, not of subsidies." The US is a melting pot. It's not a homogeneous society. It's more like Europe - without the smelly armpits.
  11. Trump is AAA Pissed at the IC because many of the top !@#$s had it in for him and mounted a coup attempt at him. And that cabal includes operatives from the U.K., and their ancillaries as well as some in the EU. I’d be pizzed too. And I’d want to tan their hides. What we saw at the NATO summit and the EU meetings reflects that. Trump is royally pissed off at them and for very good reasons.
  12. WTH is wrong with you? This is from last year.
  13. My In-laws retired and moved to Camden Maine many years ago. It’s beautiful but a tough part of the world to live in year round. Lots of quirky things about Maine and the locals - “Maniacs” as I call ‘em. You move there and stay for 30 years, and you’ll still be “from ‘away’”. Your great-great-great grandchildren might begin to be accepted as “local” but you never will be. All bets are off for them though if they go to kallage out of state. You’ll need to learn some pretty essential things though, like what a skidder is and learn to enjoy the unique lawn ornamentations that Maniacs love. Things like old refrigerators and broken-down trucks and washing machines and piles of randomly stacked firewood. I won’t mention the lobster traps and pots (lobster bouys to you and me), nor will I mention the black flies - which make it IMPOSSIBLE to get your mail at your mailbox even if you’re wearing a beekeeper’s suit. They come out in June when the weather finally breaks and the iced over rivers start flowing. Don’t worry. They’re only thick through June. They say say there are two types of people who swim in the ocean there - kids and tourists. Here’s a little something from my favorite Maniac comedian Bob Marley (no, not THAT Bob Marley). Enjoy.
  14. Vlad looks like his blood pressure is a bit high. POTUS looks like he had too much sun. “Hack, like with an axe?” That MF should be boiled in oil. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!” Ah, the Jew-Bee dancers. What took them so long to chime in? It’s been laid out here for over a year now. This is nothing short of a plaice coup attempt and people need to go to serious federal pound-them-up-the-ass-prison for this. Well you obviously missed my earlier post on this very subject. Trump announced that he’s returning Alaska to Russia with the stipulation that they must take California as well. God Bless the 48 States of America! See above. Since you need a didactic on this material...
  15. Trump gave Alaska back to Russia with the stipulation that they have to take California as well. Bernie Sanders just got removed from the audience.
  16. Man, things must be really, really slow on the main board.
  17. https://www.forbes.com/2009/08/27/ted-kennedy-soviet-union-ronald-reagan-opinions-columnists-peter-robinson.html#c3e9568359ab Ted Kennedy most definitely conspired with Russia to overthrow President Reagan.
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