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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. This is the face of Trump Derangement Syndrome: This is the face of Trump Anxiety Disorder:
  2. Conspiracy to commit collusion! For those who can't watch the proceedings on TV, here's a video capture:
  3. Or they could rename it Gaytown, Texas or Trans City Texas, or Homeless Texas, or Mexico City Texas, or Progressive Texas. It should be a defining issue in the 2020 Presidential election.
  4. I had been assured by some very smart people, around 2009 or so, that business climate is a myth. . Now THAT's a Climate Change I can endorse!
  5. Medicare for all. Are you advocates under the impression that it would be completely paid for by the "government"? Medicare consists of at least three separate insurances. Medicare Part A covers (some) hospital charges. Medicare Part B covers (some) charges from medical professional providers. Medicare Part Rx covers (some) pharmaceutical charges. Everyone who works for several years gets Medicare Part A - which the Feds pick up the tab for - because you paid for this while you were working. https://www.medicare.gov/your-medicare-costs/part-a-costs/part-a-costs.html Part B coverage is very skimpy and the payment for that is means tested - You get charged an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) each month if you earn more than $85k. So most folks get a "Supplemental" policy which is wholly paid for by the individual. You can choose a plan that fits your needs best from what's offered you. But YOU will be paying the premiums. https://www.medicare.gov/your-medicare-costs/part-b-costs/part-b-costs.html Rx coverage's base rate is $134 per month and its coverage is also skimpy - but you can shop for a provider that has the formulary which is the best match for what drugs you take. Not all drugs are covered, there are deductibles, and some are very expensive. Again, you pay the premiums for your drug coverage and this too is means tested. So you will pay more if you trip the IRMAA. https://www.medicare.gov/your-medicare-costs/part-b-costs/part-b-costs.html Check it out: https://www.medicare.gov/your-medicare-costs/index.html Medicare ain't cheap, and it sure as hell isn't "Free."
  6. FDR should have had him court martialed for dereliction of duty for how he lost the Philippines to the Japs.
  7. Dennis Day couldn't have done it better.
  8. 2/3s of them don't understand that he couldn't read the documents because of the constraints on their limited release to the Committee. Trey Goudy has. But the "progressives" (progressively more and more demented) only believe the soundbites they choose to hear. Why isn't Carter Page under lock and key if he was a "Russian spy"? Answer that and then get back to us on who the !@#$ is hiding what.
  9. Yes. Yes they did. The annual price tag for single payer health care in the Golden State would be a whopping $400 billion. The total amount of money allocated for the California state budget for the coming fiscal year is $179.5 billion But what's a few billion really, especially when it's other people's money. There's no end to the good that can be done with other people's money. Just ask a "Progressive".
  10. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/study-medicare-bill-estimated-326-trillion-56906940 "The Mercatus study takes issue with a key cost-saving feature of the plan — that hospitals and doctors will accept payment based on lower Medicare rates for all their patients. The study found that the plan would reap substantial savings from lower prescription costs — $846 billion over 10 years — since the government would deal directly with drugmakers. Savings from streamlined administration would be even greater, nearly $1.6 trillion. But other provisions would tend to drive up spending, including coverage for nearly 30 million uninsured people, no deductibles and copays, and improved benefits, including dental, vision and hearing. After taking into account current government health care financing, the study estimated that doubling all federal individual and corporate income taxes would not fully cover the additional costs.
  11. Yes. So they can become more of a monolithic political force. Amirite?
  12. The “Debates” between her and President Trump would be incredible theatre - High drama, appointment Television. Who @CNN would give her the questions in advance? Probably wouldn’t make any difference at all. Wolf Blitzer: “Ms Waters, can you tell the American people why you want to become President, and what would your administration want to accomplish?” MW: “Trump, you a scumbag! We couldn’t impeach so now we gonna throw your sorry azz in jail.” That’s a platform that should play well with 35 - 40% of the voting public. In fact that could be her ENTIRE platform and the stock answer to EVERY question she’s asked in all the “debates.”
  13. 44 - Clueless dolt. Reprehensible fool. Economic illiterate.
  14. Oh, I'm waiting alright. I'll pop a champagne cork to old "One Eye" Harry Reid when she's confirmed too.
  15. These are the new faces of Neo-conservatives: They must be driven out of the Dam Party. We need new flesh! [/#RESIST] We want level-headed new leaders with principles like these!
  16. So Mueller's cabal is attempting to prove that Trump was dog whistling to potential witnesses in his "case" against Trump to interfere with and obstruct his version of "justice." It must be hard for the Never Trumpers to draw breath each and every day knowing that he's the POTUS and Hillary is just a hag living out her life in Chappaqua.
  17. At least he could keep time which is more than Pete Best could manage.
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