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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Maybe the “parents” could show up and ask for their “kids.”
  2. In that respect he hasn’t changed since becoming POTUS. He’d frequently walk around and be very open to meeting and greeting people on the street, even letting them take photos of them with him.
  3. Ron Kuby is a Marxist. Did he also go on to pontificate on how Bill Clinton, Barak Hussein Obama, and Bernie Sanders served so nobly and well in the military? Hmmmm? Hmmmm? Wonder why not.
  4. Me. Still licensed. Haven’t ridden in years. Won’t give up my license. Yes. Kawasaki 500 in Pennsylvania coming back from a race in W Virginia. TRUE. VERY TRUE. Dont get Sissy bars. Figure out what kind of riding you want to do - road, off road, etc. Then get a bike that fits you. Don’t go nuts. You’re never more aware of the road surface than when you ride.
  5. No I asked you a question if you had a problem with people praying in public. The fact that they believe they need to put on protective armor to keep from getting bludgeoned to death is an indictment on people that you think are perfectly reasonable. You keep flooding this site with red herrings and superfluous tangential posts all the while pretending to seek some enlightenment on the issues of the day. When shone the light you claim to get it, only to throw the lie to that with your next post. WTH did your post have to do with the title of this thread? You can do better. And for the record, I’m not angry.
  6. Empowered them, lifted them up indeed. With what - his rooster? By his own admission, Ted slept with over 1,000 women. That makes him a licentious pig of a person in my view. Stormy Daniels probably slept with fewer people.
  7. The XXVI amendment should be not be enforced except for times when the Draft is implemented.
  8. Alf, you have a problem with people praying in public, or with them proactively protecting themselves against the likely assault by goons that think like you do?
  9. If it is tax evasion alone, then he should get the same punishment that THESE 36 people got, and nothing more.
  10. Robin Hood was a myth. It's people like these who are filled with envy, jealousy, greed, and anger that lack morals who want to take money that does not belong to them and give it to other people. That's a Robbin' Hood.
  12. Stick around kid. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Nein! He knew it and had his ancestral hometown leveled to hide the truth.
  13. Who will play the starring role... Hill or her body double?
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