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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. How about a report on the Allen haters. Were they at least given Tylenol or perhaps Mydol?
  2. Which public office will the Dems rush to get them installed as their candidates for? Congress? Governor? US Senate?
  3. Why, this is a perfect time for some Cossack Bee Dancing! the midterms are in the bag!
  4. This guy is toast... and an a-hole to boot. He was on the Board of Directors and set off about a million dollar savings in trading on insider information about a major failed drug study. Shades of I. M. Clone and Martha Stewart. I have to believe that "most" of the "regular" good-ol-boy Insider Trading that the rest of our politicians do is by whispers from friends and not because they themselves are sitting on a BOD.
  5. Oh, most definitely. In fact all the settlers who moved out west for a better life - indeed everyone who immigrated to America did so because they were cowards. [#RESISTREALITY]
  6. And I wonder just what does POTUS have up his sleeve to show his displeasure with those Brits. He must have a plan to kick 'em in the nads at some point. Maybe a few get a special chemical set for Christmas, or a tap on the back of the neck while walking in a park at night while walking their dog. It's complicated for sure. But Trump's not a complicated man.
  7. Jr. isn't into the politics of this administration. He left it and returned to NYC. And he didn't even get a commission in the Navy.
  8. Yes, we are after all "divided by a common language."
  9. Regarding the bolded: Yes. Greg has done yeoman's work on this subject matter. Per Goldstone's admission, he reached out to Don Jr. Not the other way around. So you can solicit something if someone offers you that something? A little dubious methinks. Jr. seemed to have doubts about what was being offered, e.g., if it had anything of value or not. Just who exactly is that Russian attorney anyway and how exactly did she get a visa to get into this country so she could meet with the FBI team prior to the "setup" meeting with Jr.? And her translator? Has the Congress tried to get HIM in for questioning about what was said then too? Or does it not rise to the level of the direct behind-closed-doors Trump-Putin meeting? If this is going to lead (supposedly) to impeachment proceedings, why hasn't that translator been subpoenaed? Color me amazed that Mueller hasn't done that already. Maybe he has and I'm in the dark.
  10. and other assorted cowards who hide behind masks because they're too afraid of having their identities revealed.
  11. The law pretty clearly describes financial assets. I can't think of one "thing" that doesn't have "value" to someone. A paper clip, a pen, a piece of paper, a used matchstick all have value to somebody for something. So "other thing of value" becomes meaningless in context WRT campaign finances. As far as I know, Don Jr. didn't "solicit, accept, nor receive" anything of value at or as a result of that meeting either. What were the Russians "offering" Trump Jr.? Hill's emails? They didn't have them. Receipts for Depends is more likely.
  12. The NFL HOF has shown itself to be very political. Just ask Florio. He says so in the Twitter you quoted.
  13. He's going to be out a lot longer than that by the looks of it.
  14. Will Anthem Kneelers be black-balled, or will that move them up in rank to join the HOF in the future? Asking for a friend.
  15. If only he would have knelt for the National Anthem a few times he would have been a first ballot inductee.
  16. Man, the Left mist have their panties in a twist over THAT. How DARE he not only infer that public education is inferior, but also have the gall to actually do something about it. He must be an Uncle Tom. [#RESISTNAZIOPPRESSIONANDWHITEPRIVILEGE]
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