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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Next up... The DC Trial! This thread is going to depend into the depths of Hades where it belongs. The real money is on his next trial in DC. Rubber - meet Road.
  2. The rules however, don't preclude "information" being whispered in ears, in private places, like country clubs, and on Tees and Greens, and yachts, or at dinners with top shelf liquor flowing liberally.
  3. It's not projection azzwipe. It's 100% true. You haven't been here long enough to call out anybody here about things that have gone on in our history on the board.
  4. I hope they've got one of John Kerry too. He went to Iran to talk with the great and holy Ayatollah Kakameime to pass him some #RESISTANCE info after Trump gave them a two fingered New Jersey salute..
  5. Safe to say then that he'll never hire you, amirite?
  6. Ya know, Jackass is exactly what the Dem's logo is. It's not a donkey. It's a JACKASS!
  7. Even fatter than I thought. No wonder he’s a Hillary fanboy. They have the same cankles.
  8. Wake up. It's the post-post Vietnam War era Dude. http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/04/few-2016-presidential-candidates-have-military-experience-does-that-matter/ "But today, most candidates in this post-Vietnam, all-volunteer military era have never worn the uniform. And perhaps surprisingly among veterans groups, that’s not necessarily a problem." “While I think that serving in the military is a positive for any candidate, I don’t think it’s a necessity to make a good president,” said Dan Caldwell, the political director for the group Concerned Veterans for America. “In fact, presidents with military experience like Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Ulysses Grant turned out to be terrible presidents who made decisions that negatively affected our foreign policy and the overall strength of our military,” Caldwell said. “For these individuals, their time in uniform clearly did not endow them with an ability to make sound national security decisions while president.”
  9. Bernie Sanders actually was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War. Bill Clinton never served in the armed forces, neither did Al Gore - who flunked out of Divinity School, Hillary didn't serve, neither did Tim Kaine. Obama didn't serve, and Uncle Joe did not either. Mike Pence did not serve, and neither did our current President of the United States -- Donald J. Trump. But it's just Trump who's getting flack on this.
  10. That would be a smart play. It won't happen. Kaine was on CBS Face the Nation spouting more divisive rhetoric.
  11. Agreed. It's the biggest, richest club in America, and if somehow you're not rich to begin with, you will be if they get reelected. There were plenty of once and dones -- especially in the House. But getting reelected time after time is a prescription (no pun intended) to untold wealth and power. It's pretty disgusting actually. To paraphrase John Housman's Smith Barney's commercials from the 70s, "They earn money the old fashioned way... the steal it."
  12. So you're saying there's a chance he's a bust and he'll get cut?
  13. I'm all for it. But they'd probably find a wormy way around it anyway. The Pharma involved Innate Immunotherapeutics is based in Australia. Not sure if that's germane to the issue at all though.
  14. He'll be like this: But we were told right here that, "She represents the diversity of a party that represents the changing nature of America. Well spoken, very smart and radiating energy. Good bye Paul Ryan, you will not be missed; Hello the future!" :lol:
  15. Common man! I thought the COP behaved rather admirably in the face of that invective vulgar-laced tirade. Oh. Oh! You meant the... never mind.
  16. Cruz cops to actually being D. B. Cooper! Have at it Leftists. It's amazing. He was only one at the time, but he's guilty. You know he is.
  17. Want to keep the discussion of the two trials separate. The current one in Virginia is about pre-Trump dealings regarding tax evasion (yawn) and money laundering. The DC trial will try to pin him with "conspiring to defraud the U.S. government, failure to register as a foreign lobbyist, and of obstruction of justice, among other charges — and that alongside a mysterious co-defendant, Konstantin Kilimnik. Earlier this year, Mueller disclosed in court documents that this wingman possessed “ties to Russian intelligence service,” which persisted during the presidential campaign." This juicy little Trump-bashing article says so.
  18. That's right right thing to do. Dems usually do a Charlie Rangel run-out-the-clock in these kinds of !@#$tard idiot self-induced trashy behavior.
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