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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Wouldn’t put it past those degenerates to do something like Soylent Green. “Hey, it’s ‘organic’.”
  2. So you’re down with the Native American People and the Mexicans taking back the land they owned for thousands of years and killing the current “racist” inhabitants? How “progressive” of you.
  3. 99 MSM pontificating pundits spouting half truths and scandalous lies = “truth”, a dozen Internet posters thoughtfully discussing the most corrupt attack on our democracy in history =“groupthink.”
  4. Bernie Kosar might be available. I saw him on TV and he wasn’t in uniform.
  5. Brennan and Clapper are largely responsible for the 2nd Iraq war. They wanted it to build their empires and have their budgets stoked. They’re the worst slime that ever slithered in the Swamp that is Washington DC.
  6. I am of the opinion that John Brennan is a traitor to this country.
  7. Only a couple of weeks before this begins. The first trial might not do him much damage, but so many lines in the water is bound to snag something. But none of it should impact Trump and his campaign at all. The second trial will be different. I wonder if Brennan had some super-secret seventh circle of secret initiates level of info on Trump - like he wanted to build a casino in St. Petersburg using Clinton Foundation as the bank.
  8. Okay Meade, time to fess up. Which of these Russians really changed your vote?
  9. You might want to try to do that. Just a suggestion-you know - like the “speed limits” on the highway. And by the way, you were wrong about Fudge. He only played for the Jags and Falcons - Fudge was never a Packer.
  10. So, we're probably not pronouncing Josh Allen's name correctly either. It's really Joe-shush All-in. NSFW:
  11. I heard when she found out they were giving her a "bachelor's", she said she would keep in in a dark space so it would never catcall her.
  12. You've got the message. You know what to do now. Don't disappoint.
  13. Birdog1960, I think Trump should take a dump in each player's jock who doesn't stand for the National Anthem.
  14. Well now. The Persecution has rested in his first trial in Vagina. Get ready for the gloves to come off in The District.
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