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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I know exactly where I would start looking if I were with Maria.
  2. Trump won't get credit for ending the Korean War, just like Nixon didn't get credit for ending the Vietnam War.
  3. Which STILL begs the question - If Carter Page had a FISA warrant - the type of warrant that said they have probable cause that Page was actively engaged in espionage for a foreign country - why is he still walking the streets? Why hasn't he been charged? They renewed the damned warrant three times and haven't charged him with anything. SCAM. Koko78, I will henceforth be reading all of your posts with the voice of The Great One, Mark Levin doing the talking.
  4. Comey is a scum-sucking pig. I hope he rots in jail.
  5. He offered his services pro bono. Cohen's broke or near broke. So he hopped into bed with a Clintonista and did a double single digit salute to the POTUS. Of course now, like any lizard of ill repute, Davis wants to get paid... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=glowing
  6. Add to that a long list of Republican women who've been vilified in the media, such as:
  7. Of course he shpuld. You know Kasich is already running. He hasn't stopped since 2015. Flake might too. He's got the right name for his principles.
  8. I’m going on record that I’m cancelling my meeting with Senator Maize Horino. Of course it’s a meeting that was never scheduled, but her okole is just too too big for me. In fact, she’s a real okole.
  9. You know what they say! Once you've seen one pair of titties... you want to seem them all!
  10. She's a worthless piece of human excrement in shoes. "illegal immigrants not being able to see their kids," indeed. What about Mollie's parents? THEY'LL NEVER SEE HER ALIVE AGAIN you worthless piece of trash.
  11. And Gary Rejoices! TDS. There is no differentiation in some minds regarding the legal persecution of Trump associates. They do deserve jail and fines when they're proven to have broken the law though. What an amazing coincidence!
  12. This is exactly why I started this thread. The two (soon to be three trials) each deserve their own thread in order to somewhat keep the discussions along their own lines. So Dog1960, how is DR's spleen?
  13. He probably wouldn't want to take a pay cut to become any team's QB coach. Stop obfuscating with details and facts. And he's smart enough to take the lessons to heart and do the work required.
  14. Well, how will his convictions influence the jury (if at all) in his upcoming September trial?
  15. "Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a financial institution; one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporation contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michael-cohen-plea-deal-details-today-2018-08-21/ Putting this here because it's glomming up the other thread about Manafort's First Trial in which he was found guilty of fraud, etc for crimes he committed dating from 2011 through 2014 which is before he ever had a relationship with Trump.
  17. For the record, I'm all in favor of Mueller asking Trump if he put his cigar in Monica Lewinski's vagina.
  18. He looks like he takes it in the azz and likes it.
  19. Doc, we're all glad we can't see your Spinal Vaginitis from our house!
  20. Just Another Gay, Unwashed, And Retarded Southerner
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