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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He thinks it’s what the POTUS rubs on his skin and in his hair to give him that perfect tangerine glow.
  2. The season ticket holders have to be thrilled about this. Forced to pay full price for two “games” featuring future insurance salesmen and grocery store clerks.
  3. What does that have to do with plastic straws? Steel straws would rust and be too heavy for little kids juice boxes for heaven’s sake.
  4. He wants a wall. Now you're suggesting adding a moat to that too? If he gets Mexico to pay for it via the reworked NAFTA trade agreement will Americans have to pay for the well?
  5. Are the Shananigans still coaching in the NFL? I know they had their issues with RG3.5, but what's that got to do with JA? Who are they calling with their JA hate? Asking for a friend.
  6. Two years is a vet short term of office IMV. All they do after getting elected is fundraising for the next election. Career politicians make less sense than career jurors.
  7. No mention whatsoever about his wife being CIA. Her role in this is “minimal.”
  8. Lanny Davis is a lawyer and lobbyist and political advisor. Giuliani was a Federal Prosecutor who brought the Mob down in NYC, was mayor of our country's largest city, and was a stabilizing, uniting force in the wake of the 911 attacks. Davis is just a political opportunist. Love how his "pro bono" work for Cohen suddenly has a Go Fund Me account. It should be a Go !@#$ Me account.
  9. Why aren’t these Internet companies considered “common carriers”?
  10. Yes. Most definitely. Started when I moved from Western NY. Been falling off ever since.
  11. Not really. Stay tuned. Thanks for checking in though.
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