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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sure, it is that. But at least he didn’t play the metrics standard card.
  2. I’m anticipating the start of this season with the same amount of enthusiasm that I have knowing that school busses will be clogging the roads in the mornings and afternoons.
  3. Really doesn't/didn't matter. If the Republicans vote in lock-step a-la the way the Dems do, VP Pence will have the tie-breaking vote.
  4. This just in... Generalissimo Franco is STILL dead.
  5. So Lanny has all of Phillip’s old disguises from The Americans. Oh well. He was a real Russian spy and the show is over now, so it’s interesting to see they’re getting put to goood use.
  6. The last black man to speak out like that quickly lost his leftist protections and found himself accused of a litany of sexual abuses. His name... Bill Cosby. Be safe, Reverend.
  7. How would the Federal Bureau of Intimidation know if her server was hacked by the Chinese - they never had possession of it.
  8. Back to the funeral, the great media hero not only disinvited the personal enemy Trump, but he disinvited his running mate Sarah Palin too. Hot it or not?
  9. "For the past four years, Davis — a 72-year-old former special counsel to former President Bill Clinton — has served as a registered foreign agent for Dmitry Firtash, who has been fighting to avoid extradition to Chicago, where he faces charges of international racketeering and money laundering. In registering with the Justice Department as Firtash’s foreign agent, Davis said his firm was being paid $80,000 a month — or about a million dollars a year — by a man described by prosecutors as an “upper-echelon” associate of Russian organized crime. The case against Firtash “seeks to protect this country, its commerce and its citizens from the corrupting influence and withering effects of international organized crime,” prosecutors wrote last year." Oh, sweet, lovely, honest, and pure Lanny Davis.
  10. That’s a comfort to know. I think I’ll just go ahead and book my next vacation to Chicago for some weekend in, oh say, 2085.
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