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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. OJ Simpson was a Bill too. What's his rating?
  2. "If there’s one thing you’ve noticed about white nationalists, it’s that they have hands. And something they’ve been doing a lot with their hands lately is sending out secret messages in support of white supremacy. If you see anyone doing any of these hand gestures, you can be certain they are a racist and should report them to the nearest racism reporting facility (usually Twitter)."
  3. Has the worm turned? "The Justice Department's inspector general concluded that McCabe repeatedly misled investigators about contacts with a Wall Street Journal reporter in 2016." He lied under oath three times and was found to have "lacked candor" at least one other time. Were it you or I, we'd be in jail. Oh, and just exactly why hasn't Carter Page been arrested yet? After all he was the subject of a FISA warrant that was renewed three times. The basis of that warrant was that he was an active agent of Russia and doing spying and treasonous acts in and upon the United States.
  4. The Leftists are such cowards. They hide behind anonymity in the workforce and behind masks when they're protesting in the streets. They're gutless cowards.
  5. Once McCain is officially pronounced dead, the MSM should start a GoFundMe for getting his likeness carved into Mt. Rushmore. Hell, they should rename it Mt. McCain.
  6. Good move with the MBA. But The Bills had more yards in SB XXV than the Jints!
  7. What’s very surprising to me about that article is that nowhere is he identified as a Republican. Usually it’s the other way around.
  8. There’s football on tonight? Who knew? Furthermore, who cares?
  9. He’s a bully. ALL the Dems are bullies. They’re desperate, despicable bullies. They’re thugs in suits. They’ve taken the low ground so consistently that they look like Swamp Thing.
  10. Would be great if Trump could get to nominate another 2 Supremes in addition to the 2-4 he could be in line for. Leftist meltdown!!!
  11. How dare he! Doesn't he know Trump wants to invade his country?
  12. Got to hand it to him. He's a tough son of a B word. He remains dead but his hatred for Trump is eternal.
  13. Ralph was from the Detroit area and was obviously a fan of the Lions. That's why we played them for about 30 years in the preseason. Ralph originally put in for the Miami AFL franchise. Hunt turned him down and made him "settle" on Buffalo. He was pizzed that Danny Thomas and Robbie got the Miami gig the next year (too lazy look up the year), and hence the "Miami - Buffalo Rivalry" was borne. Ralph hated despised Miami. Beating Miami was as important to Ralph than the Service Academies beating their arch-rivals. It saved a few HCs in these parts.
  14. It wasn't the first time either... What was your service record, oh golden child? Sure... You really haven't read much on this topic. You're dead wrong.
  15. Sorry, I'm busy then. But, I'll set my recorder so I can watch it later.
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