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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. “QBs can develop while getting smashed”? Of course, just look at Jay Cutler.
  2. Her coach admits to "coaching" during the match. Williams has made headlines for coming to blows with umpire Carlos Ramos after he gave her a coaching violation in the second set. The tennis legend, who was then docked a point after she smashed her racket, told Ramos she would rather lose than cheat. 'I'm honest, I was coaching,' Mouratoglou said after the game. 'I don't think she looked at me, so that's why she didn't even think I was.'
  3. He moved the chains - something Dickless couldn’t do.
  4. https://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.truckerphoto.com%2FKerry%20Bunny%20Suit.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.truckerphoto.com%2Fjohnkerrybunnysuit.htm&docid=zTi5oMQ8u8wKaM&tbnid=7vW0tR8CVNwQnM%3A&vet=1&w=400&h=300&hl=en&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
  5. Certainly. But is he your jock? Now THAT is the question.
  6. Why, McDermott, Why? Why didn't you leave him in the game? He had at least three more interceptions in him. Think of his records. Those personal stats mean the world to these professional athletes.
  7. Yes. Yes he did get pulled too early. He had only thrown two interceptions - far less than the 5 he threw last year in his first start. He had plenty more in the tank, I'm sure.
  8. Nate Peterman has made 3 NFL starts and has yet to finish a game. Peterman has been benched twice and left the other game with an injury. Ladies and Gentlemen, your Buffalo Bills Starting Quarterback's stats:
  9. They probably interviewed the Chief Usher of the WH Household Staff.
  10. He referred to himself over one hundred times in that speech. I remember just how much I despised that jug eared stuttering doofus. Thanks for the memories you putz.
  11. He/She/It made up the quotes, what makes you really believe the rest of the story isn’t made up too. You’ve been around here long enough to have seen dozens of “Republicans” and “Independents” who profess their credentials as such only to belie the core principles and beliefs of their self-proclaimed status in their posts. Coward is their real status. The NYT is a cowardly rag now too. It has been for some time.
  12. Well, if it were it certainly wouldn’t have taken Trump and his approach eight years to get us out of the mess that was largely due to the housing meltdown which was created by Washington.
  13. Then this series or at least that episode is a prequel to the last two episodes of SOA.
  14. If he does get to replace RBG, he will probably also get a 4th because Thopson will likely retire, letting another much younger conservative take his place on the bench thereby ensuring a very conservative majority on the Supremes.
  15. In a strangely twisted way Bruce Ohr looks like the John Dean of this SP investigation. If the statements are proven true, The Dogs of War must be slipped while Trump cries, “Havoc!”
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