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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You probably don't even know what that means. But your diagnosis is this - you're an A-hole.
  2. It’s a nice venue in spite of the greater surroundings. Can’t wander around too far from the Arts Center. Saw CS & N there several years ago.
  3. Well, they do have their standards after all.
  4. Woodward is a pigeon that frequents Upper Senate Park and others in the area. He is gratuitously fed popcorn and millet by men in trench coats that frequent those places. He’s been doing that for decades. It’s why he’s so fat. He spreads their messages with every poop.
  5. I wonder what the reaction would be if Ttump got legislation passed that would outlaw air conditioners everywhere in the US -including automobiles and office buildings.
  6. Or, if he’s unwilling to give you the requested information, you can simply ask the FBI for it. Just say you’re a reporter and you are certain that he’s colluding with Russian spies.
  7. How much longer before the poison takes effect? Asking for a friend.
  8. Why don’t cows have the right to vote? They hold up protest signs all over the country. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_29r-GNwj8Q/Ty9Ii-7PzjI/AAAAAAAABHg/v1HDIt-7SHI/s320/Chik-Fil-A_cow-eat-mor-chikin.jpg
  9. But the “Fed” is part of the government, so he had control over it and therefore is responsible for the boost in stock prices. But he is solely responsible for the great economic recovery. I’ve read that right here.
  10. So, are men supposed to conduct a wake at each “time of the month” their mate has now?
  11. Bullshite. Insurance is about mitigating risk to a group of people. Everyone with the same risk level pays the same rate. It's all actuarially based on statistics. i.e., the probability that an adverse event will occur to any individual policy holder. You may never make a claim, but your premiums help the insurer pay out for the legitimate claims of other policyholders. Ah... meh'bee Best to bring the cows inside your house. Just to be safe Jeff. Insurers won't insure many properties because the risk of catastrophe is too high. It's no different than getting insurance for a Pro athlete against them getting a career-ending injury. The higher the risk, the higher the premiums. Many governmental jurisdictions had to redraw their flood zone maps. The FEDs are doing everything they can to get more people to sign up for flood insurance because the fewer the policy holders - the more money the FEDs have to get out of the general coffers to pay for the areas who do have insurance and got flooded. What makes no sense to me, however are the people who get flooded out of their homes by swollen rivers every three to five years and then they rebuild on the same site. If they do that they should have their premiums go into orbit.
  12. Well, you can always quote the post and discuss your +/- view(s) on it.
  13. Everyone - no matter where they live - gets Medicare as their PRIMARY insurance when they’re 65 Doc. Even those with “Cadillac” plans. If they’re lucky, they can keep a stunted form of their previous employer’s plan as their supplemental insurance.
  14. I've already said that several times. There are Billions in IRAs and 401ks that the likes of Lieawatha and Nancy Piglowsee would love to get their hands on in exchange for some nice US Government bonds.
  15. Trump planning second NK summit after Kim's "very warm letter." The bombing starts in 3, 2, 1...
  16. Doc, what fantasy world do you live in? They're generally paid more for people in the private sector with similar credentials who don't have the protection of a union and they don't have defined benefit pension plans (e.g., 80% of pay for life after 25 years of service) and fully ported paid-for healthcare coverage either. They can be fired at will in most states, and their bosses can put untold pressure on them to get results. I wouldn't want to babysit twenty juvenile delinquents every day either. But that's the career path they chose. Summers off? Hell, most people in the private sector are lucky to get four weeks of vacation after working at the same place for twenty years. If they move to a different job - they generally start over at 2 weeks - AFTER they've been at the job for a year. The whining by teachers and Libs has been what's always irked me about them.
  17. Americans like free stuff. However, there is no such thing as a free lunch.
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