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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. This has a deep state stank to it. He father has deep ties to the agency, and she runs an “internship program at Stanford for students wanting to work for the CIA. That should put a stop to this horseshit right fast. Feinstein should lose her seat. First she had a Chinese spy working closely with her for over 20 years and now this. She is a pig of the highest order. Heres the link to: The other thread
  2. A Little Background Music for New Yorkers... How NJ resurrected Frank Lautenberg from the dead to become a US Senator (again).
  3. The Jug-eared Stuttering Doofus is Still at it... refers to himself 79 times in 3 minute speech.
  4. Sorry for having to post the trash that Tony and his ilk are so enamored of. Seems like that's something that many Americans have not been told about.
  5. Yes, yes, of course. It's the 3rd Korean War. Has he started it yet? Haven't been reading the papers much and I was out on the boat most of the weekend. Oh, and by the way has he fired Muller yet? Sessions? Rosenstein?
  6. Did he have any pass attempts where he wasn't running for his life? Do we have any receivers that can actually catch a football? He's worked for what - 8 days with the 1s? Not a lot of time to develop "chemistry" if you ask me.
  7. So, how's the 2nd Korean War going? Asking for a friend.
  8. You’re saying the t shirt was bloody? Johnny is dead. Except on Seinfeld reruns.
  9. Truly she is a woman of the people. Someone obviously gave her those. So they were “free.” She didn’t buy them. Somebody else made that happen.
  10. You know what they say, if the shirt fits - wear it.
  11. They don’t care that this would come out. They just don’t care. Resist by any and every means necessary.
  12. https://www.wsj.com/articles/john-kerry-meet-george-logan-1537129799 https://dailycaller.com/2018/05/27/iran-deal-architect-chants-death-to-america-john-kerry/ https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/05/john-kerry-iran-deal-collusion/ Trump will release the Nuke codes before Keebler leaks that recipe.
  13. Manafort pled guilty to two counts. Does this mean the end of this trial in The District? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/14/trump-campaign-chief-paul-manafort-pleads-guilty-to-conspiracy-charges.html Sounds like it doesn't touch Trump whatsoever, but may lead to more scrutiny of the Clintons and Obama. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/obamas-former-white-house-counsel-lawyers-up-after-mueller-probe-referral/
  14. Well, at the very least the Cali Legislature MUST declare Spanish to be the non-native language of Mexico, and Central and South America (ditto for Portuguese in Brazil). They must make a stand against the evil Western European aggressive conquers and demand that Native People’s languages be instated immediately as the official language(s) of each country (countries). ALL CA government contracts with any non-native language compliant policies in place must be immediately abrogated until reparations have been made and the citizenry of those countries have been taught their native tonge(s).
  15. So what’s in the letter? Per The Intercept’s original reporting, it supposedly has to do with Kavanaugh and a woman dating back to when the two were in high school. Another clue is that the woman in question has retained Debra Katz as her lawyer, who’s known to represent #metoo accusers. Given that this is said to date back to Kavanaugh’s high school years, he’s going to have no recourse to defend himself. It’s possible The Intercept is misreading all this and the letter is nothing, but given all the pieces we have so far (including it being referred to the FBI), it appears fairly certain that the Democrats are about to accuse Kavanaugh of some kind of sexual misconduct. https://www.redstate.com/diary/Bonchie/2018/09/13/get-ready-democrats-likely-accuse-kavanaugh-sexual-misdeeds/ OMG!!! He placed his hand on her breast at their Jr. Prom. The fuc king feind!
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