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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. True. I think their deeply held belief is that females are the "weaker sex" and they fight and rail at every opportunity to express their indignation, frustration, and outrage at any perceived "wrong" or "unfair" treatment - no matter how ridiculous it seems to the great "unwoke" masses. "Women were put on earth to be victims of men," appears to be a basic tenet that the Left is trying to make canon.
  2. What South Korea had to give up to get a Trade Deal with the US It's called leverage, and I believe the US hasn't used its leverage like this WRT trade since before WWII.
  3. Now just wait a gal'danged minute here Presidentwannabe Cuomo. I read right here why people should love the weather in your fair state.
  4. I’ll try. First, the FBI doesn’t have jurisdiction. Local authorities should be contacted to investigate. But there is not enough information from the complaint to establish the time, place, persons involved in the alleged incident. The statute of limitations passed about 20 years ago. Senator DiFi sat on the allegation until after the hearings were concluded. So, being unable to find anything on Kavanaugh that would derail his confirmation, they pull the pin on this sleaze grenade. Dems hope to run out the clock on his confirmation to push it past the midterms when they hope to retake control of Congress and the Senate. If that happens, they will stall all of his appointments and we’ll have an 8 person bench of Supremes. In part this is their payback for the Republican’s treatment of Garland a “moderate” whom B. O. Nominated to replace the staunch conservative Anton Scalia. In other words it’s a high stakes pissing contest. Finally, if an FBI investigation were completed, Uncle Joe gives the answer key to that final exam in the throwback video below. Please watch it to the end.
  5. Xenophobic Warmonger!!! #RESIST/NOTMYPEACEOVERTURE
  6. What contestants on RuPaul’s show get paid in.
  7. Oh, I get it. Sorta like using a published Isakoff story to validate a dossier for a FISA court to get a warrant on an American citizen. Check!
  8. And more importantly, Kavanaugh can't be confirmed until Boyst's FBI investigation is completed and he's sentenced.
  9. Has he fired Mueller yet? Kelly? Sessions? Waiting... waiting... waiting... The media can't be wrong forever, now can they?
  10. "Whatever it takes."1 1 DNC Playbook 101 - Article 3 § 5 How to confound your political adversary and stupefy the electorate
  11. If only he were "terminated" like the Clintons "terminate."
  12. He'd better. England has already gone on "record" as denying any interference by their people. We know that to be a crock of shite. Maybe they'll let Trump build a new casino next to Buckingham Palace.
  13. Where T. O. at? He can catch a damn footballl.
  14. Twitter just banned James Woods. https://www.thewrap.com/twitter-suspends-james-woods/
  15. Bradford got broke in Kallage. He's probably thee most overrated and over-paid QB in the history of the NFL next to JaMarcus Russell. Thank God for the Rookie salary scale cap.
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