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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Double doors because she's claustrophobic from the "trauma." Hell, my wife made us get rid of our double doors in Princeton because the front of the house was too dark. We put in a single door with two sidelights. Claustrophobic my butt.
  2. Sweet Jesus, all she's got to do is to read her letter and opening statement, and maybe the CIA manual on testifying before Congress and all the time will expire. How disingenuous.
  3. Someone said, "Fake News" to which he responded, "So true." And there was some laughter,"Didn't expect that reaction - but it's okay." That was followed by some more laughter and applause.
  4. You do know Dr. Ford runs an intern program for the CIA at her California school - right?
  5. She sounds like a teenager on a phone. Not too up-to-date on the facts, are you?
  6. Well, the Lefties should be all in favor of killing those dinosaurs... ? think of the paper and trees and pollution they cause!
  7. Not their "very existence," just their veracity, and questioning their motives.
  8. I think this is largely correct. He is one of them, but he’s not behaving like one of them. They all give lip service to their constituents, but Trump actually cares about America and Americans. He’s an iconoclast of the first order and is turning over money tables in the inner sanctum. They hate him for it.
  9. My bad. Should have quoted DR’s post for context. It was the last one on the previous page. 10:00 is appointment TV.
  10. No, Closed Mind. It’s no less abhorrent than the unwarranted sleaze attack of character assassination that the Left is doing to the Judge. Fight fire with fire. The Dems have done this kind of unbridled attacking for decades and have gotten away with it. Trump isn’t afraid to roll around in the gutter with the likes of Schumer, Feinstein, and Pelosi. Quite shocking isn’t it? There’s a “Republican” who knows how to fight back at a street fighting gang of hoodlums.
  11. Special guest appearance by The Keebler Elf himself too. lol
  12. I believe air conditioning is a huge cause of warming the atmosphere. People around the world create millions of artificial micro environments that contain billions of cubic feet of warm air. Then they use huge amounts of energy to chill that air and by which they effectively pump those calories out into the greater atmosphere.
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