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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. It is now. But what does that have to do with Barry tokein’ weed and snorting coke in Hawaii as a teen?
  2. I don’t think he’s be interested in dating you. He could use some time in the sun. Maybe Trump can give him some tips on getting his tan buffed up a bit.
  3. Dr. Ford “remembered” that the house renovation that triggered her remembering Kavanaugh’s “assault” was in 2012. Funny, but building permits in her town says the work was done in 2008. Does she “remember” that she does work for the CIA and that her father does too?
  4. Not at all unlike how Jessie becomes a “pet” in B.B. at the end.
  5. Question. So when my balls are on fire, is it St. Elmo’s fire, or Great Balls of Fire? Asking for a friend.
  6. Mc One if the most disgusting things I ever ordered was an “egg” sandwich from DD. It was like styrofoam and CheeseWhiz layered between greasy layers of paper. The only thing that compares to it would be a Jimmy Dean’s breakfast “sandwich.”
  7. The religion of Global Warming is so much more convenient than old school bricks and mortar religions. It comes with far fewer obligations, you pay for your participation with other people’s money, and you can profess your religious beliefs with impunity and the smugness that comes from being annointed a “true believer.” Hey, what’s not to like? It saves you from going to church just on Sundays and really frees up that day for the new American passion - protesting the Western European derived cultural heritage. Ah, except for the beer. That’s one indulgence that is tolerated.
  8. John Kerry is the furthest thing from an American war hero. He’s a traitor.
  9. Kim Wexler from Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill. Maybe Flake should better Call Saul.
  10. Thank the heavens that could never happen in the USA!
  11. That's outrageous! A misdemeanor? A misdemeanor?!!! Don't those fascist police know that she accused him of grabbing her breast, and trying to touch her skin? He's a fiend short and simple. #RAGEAGAINSTREPUBLICANS
  12. But it won't. The Dems are resolute in their disrespect of the process and the people who are in the majority. We might never see another straight man appointed and confirmed to The Supremes.
  13. She also lied under oath. Her home remodeling happened in 2008, not 2012.
  14. I wonder why she wasn't questioned on her connections and her father's connections to the CIA.
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