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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Psycho killer qu‘est-ce que c’est?
  2. Slow Hand Joe doesn’t agree. More lies from Early Onset Joe. There are more. Many, many more.
  3. Ridiculous. When I took the SATs which was right around the time that Trump took his, they were administered at my High School by my teachers. You couldn’t even go out of the room (gymnasium) to take a leak. Everyone knew everyone there. What’s next - Trump stole Jr High School kids lunch money to buy cigarettes?
  4. Note to class. We all came from AFRICA. Weren’t you paying attention in class?
  5. It’s the ***** Iggles. I don’t give a *****. I’ve go no ***** to give.
  6. Such a shame. One less gator in the world.
  7. When is Sullivan going to get off his azz and dismiss the case?
  8. Could be. Spanish Mackerel. My wife caught one off of New Smyrna Beach a long time ago. Bluefish. We caught dozens of these in the Raritain Bay and off Sandy Hook in NJ. I just caught my first one here in the Vineyard Sound. They’re more fun to catch than to eat.
  9. I remember seeing Merv Griffin talking about how tough it was to break into show biz. He started out as a nightclub singer. At an audition for a job at a club owned by an Italian American, he started to sing a song. “I’ve never seen a day go by...” The owner threw him out and Merv had no idea why. True story.
  10. The fish is a bluefish.
  11. Wayne Gretzky or Joe Theisman. CNR. But someone got it already.
  12. Screw giving them anything for him. They gave us nuttin for Chris Spielman.
  14. That’s more awkward than shower sex.
  15. This is no joke you. Amirite?
  16. Well lookie here now. But is that a bonafide Clinical trial? I’ve been told that nothing can be trusted unless it’s undergone real clinical trials. Several posters were adamant that this doesn’t work and it can even kill people. You know, kill, like what this virus does.
  17. https://eraoflight.com/2020/04/11/french-study-of-1000-patients-see-98-success-rate-with-hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin-regimen/
  18. It was Democrat’s that instituted slavery. It was Democrat’s who seceded from the union, starting the civil war. It was Democrat’s that instituted Jim Crow. It was Democrat’s who started and ran the KKK. It was Democrat’s who forced integration on the south. It was Democrat’s who violently opposed the civil Rights movement. It was Democrat’s who couldn’t/wouldn’t pass the Voting rights legislation. It was LBJ and Joe Biden who called African Americans the N word.
  19. FU. SDS created this forum and the PPP wing especially to let people have freewheeling political and social conversations - with minimal mod oversight. If YOU don’t like it GTFO and start YOUR OWN board. He doesn’t realize ***** because he’s too self absorbed. His ancestors came over from some part of what is now Germany in the 1600s. They landed in Virginia. They owned slaves. That what’s driving his liberal guilt.
  20. PPP doesn’t need YOU. You’re a pompous prick and we can tell you’re aching to become a mod for PPP. It won’t happen. GTFO. We don’t need your 2,090 posts in the Pandemic thread where you continuously nest and fart your opinions several times daily.
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